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Star Trek Generations Bloopers Page
Havnt I Seen That Before
The way that the Klingon Bird of Prey exploded in Generations is the exact same scene from the Star Trek 6 Bird of Prey explosion

In Star Trek VI the Klingon blood was a pinkish color. When Soren hits B’Etor, she bleeds red blood

Kirk Doesnt Know His Own Kitchen
At one point, Kirk asks Picard to get some dill spice from a kitchen cabinet. He tells Picard it is on the second shelf to the left. Picard opens the cabinet, reaches to the RIGHT, and pulls out the dill.

Talk About Daylight Savings
Soren fires the missile at the star it gets there in a matter of seconds thats fine in the 'Star Trek universe'. But ordanary light still takes time to get from the sun to the planet. Within seconds of the missile being fired you can see the changes in the sun. Assuming that the planet / star distance is similar to Earth / Sun it will take 8 minutes to see ANY changes.

Clothing Change
When Captain Picard goes down to the planet, he is wearing the old uniform. When he beams back up, he is wearing a defferent one.

Cant Do It By Ship
Earlier in the show when Picard ask why Soran couldn't just fly a ship into the energy ribbon, Data replies that ALL ships encountering the ribbon have been either badly damaged or destroy. How did Soran enter the Nexus in the 1st place? How did Guinan enter the Nexus? How did Kirk enter the Nexus? The answer to all of these are: By Ship

Geordies Eyes
When the crew of the Enterprise - D is in the Holodeck after Picard has left, Riker is telling Geordie to set royals at stunsil at which time Geordie is looking through a telescope with his RIGHT eye. In the next shot when he questions Riker, he takes the telescope down from his left eye.

Rikers Uniform
When an away team Beams over and they go looking around Riker and Worf hear an ensign calls for them they climb up the ladder first it was worf and then Riker when he is climbing up you can see a part of his uniform up or is it a tear I do not know

Why This Time/Place
When leaving the Nexus. Picard could travel anywhere, anytime. You would think hed travel back far enough to save those poor dead scientists who died at the Amagosa Observatory.