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Star Trek First Contact Bloopers Page
Auto Destruct
Worf is not a crew member aboard the Enterprise - E so why can he use his command codes to set the auto-destruct sequence.

Cant Deactivate Auto-Destruct
Data, without any passwords at all, easily disarms the auto destruct. This is not possible without joint authorization.

Data Was Shot? Wasnt He
Data gets shot by Lillie at the start of the movie, but a few scenes later, all signs of the bulletholes in him and in his clothes are gone.

Worf Has No Friends
Why is Worf all alone on the Defiant. Sisko wouldnt sent his ship out with only one Senior Officer on board would he. Wheres Obrien, Bashier, Kira and the others.

How Many Decks
Picard tells Lily there are 24 decks on the Enterprise, later on, Thomas McClure says ‘theyve taked decks 26 up to 11.

Borg On The Hull
It is stated earlier in the film that the Enterprises environmental systems are being reworked to accomodate the Borg because the Borg cannot survive without their biological components (i.e., the host human bodies). Given that they are so sensitive to their environment that they have to jiggle the thermostat on the Enterprise to stay alive, then how can a group of Borg go outside the Enterprise to work on the deflector dish in the inhospitable vacuum of space?? There's no oxygen for them to breathe, no atmospheric pressure to keep their body liquids from boiling, not to mention exposure to solar radiation when working in the sun and exposure to near absolute zero temperatures when working in the shade.

Empty Gun
This is the scene where Lily shoots at Data with what appears to be an automatic weapon firing bullets. Lily empties a magazine at Data. After that it can clearly be heard that the weapon goes click click click click several times - as if firing automatic bursts but hitting empty. BUT if that is an automatic weapon firing bullets, it operates with gas pressure from fired shot throwing back the slide and reloading the weapon. So after firing the last shot and then pulling the trigger there would be one click, but no more, since there would be no gas pressure to reload again. Or maybe automatic weapons in the future are just that much different.

Thick Makeup
After Data's human skin melts off from the plasma coolant you see what it is supposed to look like under Dats's Skin, but his head looks much larger without the skin. Also when the Borg are putting the skin on Data's left arm (our left)his left arm looks larger than the right.

Still Wearing Uniform
When Picard was assimilated by the Borg, an away team found Picard's uniform and communicator in a drawer. That means the Borg probably removed clothing before assimilation. However, in "First Contact," after Picard shoots the Borg on the holodeck, Lily sees a Starfleet communicator on one of the Borg. Why didn't the Borg remove the communicator?

You Smashed Your Little Ships
Picard smashes the Phaser Rifle through the glass that contains the previous Enterprise models. None of them break but in the next scene, Lilt picks up the Engineering Hull section of the Enterprise - D which is now broken.

Morse Code
Not really a blooper, but, the eyelasers on the Borg flash the names of the Movies creators using morse code.