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Star Trek Insurrection Bloopers Page
Not So Advanced Kids
When the crew are visiting the Ba'ku's land, Data comments on how well they can keep those balls in the air. Before that comment, in the background you can see the kids lose control of them.

Thats Not Ru'Afo
When the captian and Ru'Afo were on the collector just befor it blows up, Ru'Afo falls, and is hanging on to a rail thing. Well, when he falls, it's obvious you can see not his face, but a mans face.

Water Level
When Data finds the Holoship under the water.. he drains the water down.. but where Picard etc. are standing.. before and after the draining.. the water level is the same.

Magic Weapons
Tha Ba'ku ask Picard etc. to disarm their phasers... thats all well and good.. but uhh.. why did they give them right back to them? when their in the Holoship and the Sona start shooting.. where did Data and the crew get their retaliation phasers from?

Data's Hair
When the Ba'ku are walking toward the cave and Data and Artim are sitting on a rock on talking, in the first shot, there is a tiny hair sticking out of Data's hair. But in the next shot, it is gone.

Where'd That Come From
At the beginning, as the cameras film the Ba'ku and show their simple life, you can see a woman with what looks like a laptop on her lap. But later, we learn that the Ba'ku do not use technology at all.

Whats Picard Doing
When Son'a guy comes to get Picard from the holding cells, he is doing something to a computerized thing on the wall. But we never find out what he was doing, only that is was something he shouldn't have been caught doing.

Magic Lake
When Picard and two others paddle out to the just revealed holodeck that had been submerged in the mountin lake, there are some impressive effects shots of the newly exposed lake bed ringing the shore. However one shot from head on clearly shows the water back up to the original level while the next once again shows the water at a lower level!

Nice Landing
When Data and Picard shoot the bloke in the holoship he falls off the roof onto a nice visible black crash mat.

What Did He Say
When Picard is buried in the cave Riker talks to him through his communicator but Picard doesn't have his communicator on so how can he hear him?

Dont Catch A Cold
When Data comes out of the water he is soaking wet, but after he drains the water out of the lake he is completely dry.

Data Squints
I know that poor Brent Spiner has to wear those horrid contacts. But Throughout the movie, whenever Data is outside and facing the sun, he squits...even more than the other actors do. Since data is a android couldn't his eyes adjust to the light, but maybe his program has a sub-routine to make him act more human by squiting...i don't know i just found this kinda silly.