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Deep Space Nine Season Seven

Image in the Sand - Kira is upset when Admiral Ross informs her that the Romulans will set up a station office. Sisko has retreated to Earth when the vision of a woman's face, buried in the sand, appears to Sisko, he sketches her, and Jake recognizes her from one of his grandfather's photos.

Shadows and Symbols - Sisko meets Ezri, the new host of the Dax symbiont, before departing Earth for the planet Tyree with his father, Joseph, and son Jake. Ezri wishes to accompany them on their search for Bajor's mythical Orb of the Emissary, which Sisko has been led to believe exists.

Afterimage - Sisko is happy to have his Dax, his old friend back. Quark flirts with her. Worf pained by the memory of his dead wife Jadzia, which Ezri's presence provokes, makes it clear he wants nothing to do with her.

Take Me Out to the Holosuite - Vulcan Captain Solok brings his starship to Deep Space Nine for repairs made necessary from combat skirmishes. Convinced his all-Vulcan crew is the finest in the fleet, he challenges former classmate and longtime rival Sisko to a baseball game in the Holosuite.

Chrysalis - A group of genetically enhanced humans, once under Bashir's care, escape from their medical facility home in the hopes that the doctor, who himself was genetically engineered as a child, can cure their friend Sarina.

Treachery, Faith, and the Great River - Odo is lured to a secret meeting site, where he finds himself face to face with Weyoun, the Vorta leader of the enemy Dominion. Weyoun announces that he's decided to defect and, in exchange for asylum, he promises to provide valuable information that could help the Federation win the war.

Once More Unto the Breach - To Worf's surprise, he is paid a visit by Kor, Worf promises to find him a military command, and appoints Kor as a third officer on the Ch'Tang, Martok's flagship, where he is treated with awe by the crew, much to Martok's chagrin.

The Siege of AR-558 - Sisko encounters Starfleet troops that have been decimated during their five-month occupation of the largest Dominion communications array in the sector. If they can figure out how it works, Starfleet will be able to tap into Dominion transmissions.

Covenant - Vedek Fala, a Bajoran monk and Kira's former teacher, pays her an unexpected visit. He gives Kira a crystal which transports her to Empok Nor, where, to her horror, she is met by her old enemy Dukat, a Cardassian who oversaw the occupation of Bajor.

It's Only A Paper Moon - After losing his leg in battle, a somber Nog returns to the space station to recuperate. The crew try their best to cheer him up, but the young ensign is struggling, both emotionally and physically, to cope with his disability.

Prodigal Daughter - Sisko is furious when he learns O'Brien has vanished while on a secret trip to New Sydney, where he was searching for the widow of a criminal named Bilby, whom he befriended while undercover. Because Ezri's family owns a mining operation in the system, Sisko asks her to help find O'Brien.

The Emperor's New Cloak - Grand Negus Zek, the ruler of the Ferengi empire and paramour to Quark and Rom's mother, disappears while on a business trip to the Alternate Universe.

Field of Fire - A young lieutenant named Ilario is found dead in his quarters. An investigation reveals he was shot by a TR-116 rifle, a weapon developed but never mass-produced by Starfleet. Meanwhile, Ezri confronts one of Dax's previous incarnations in a dream.

Chimera - Odo returns from a conference with an unexpected guest, a Changeling who tracked and boarded his Runabout. Odo recognizes him as one of "the hundred" shapeshifters who were, like himself, sent out as infants into the galaxy to learn about other species.

Badda-Bing Badda-Bang - While relaxing in Vic's Las Vegas holosuite lounge, O'Brien and Bashir are surprised by the arrival of mobster Frankie Eyes, who announces that he's bought Vic's hotel and fires Vic.

Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges - On the eve of Dr. Bashir's departure for a conference on the Romulan homeworld, he's visited by Sloan, the director of Section Thirty-one, a secret and unsanctioned extremist entity within Starfleet Intelligence. Sloan asks a reluctant Bashir to gather information on the Romulan leadership.

Penumbra - As Sisko revels in the purchase of Bajoran land where he hopes to build his dream house, Worf goes missing after a battle with the Dominion. When Sisko calls off the search due to strategic concerns, Ezri steals a runabout and starts to search for Worf herself.

Till Death Do Us Part - Sisko tells the Kai, who arrives to help with Sisko's wedding, that the Prophets warned he would face a great trial in the future. Kai Winn has a vision from the Prophers, telling her a guide will visit her and together, the two will lead to Bajors restoration. Meanwhile, Dukat, surgically altered to look like a Bajoran, appears on the promenade.

Strange Bedfellows - Worf and Ezri are beamed aboard a Jem'Hadar ship, where the Female Changeling and Thot Gor, leaders of the new Dominion/Breen alliance, prepare to sign a treaty to destroy the Federation once and for all. Damar objects to the signingbecause of concessions that could harm cardassia. Kai Winn and Dukat seal their bond by pledging to restore Bajor, even if the Emmisary stands in their way.

The Changing Face of Evil - Worf and Ezris return home is tempered with reports that the Breen have attacked Starfleet Headquarters on Earth. Damar, secretly plots to free his homeworld from the Dominion occupation. Dukat tells Kai Winn she must release the Pah Wraiths from the planets caves by reading the ancient forbidden text of the Kosst Amajon.

When it Rains - Odo will begin to show first signs of the Founder's sickness in this episode. His condition will get worse. Meanwhile, Damar's objection to the signing of the Dominion-Breen treaty forces him to turn to a few DS9 crew members, in an attempt to foil the signing of the treaty which could end up harming Cardassia. Kira gets a Starfleet Uniform and a commission. Kai Win studies forbidden Bajoran Texts to release the Pa-Wraiths

Tacking Into the Wind - Rusot, a member of the Cardassian resistance, recieves a dressing down from Kira when he makes a mess of planting a bomb. Odo continues to suffer from the disease, but he is hiding it from Kira. Bashir and O'Brien continue to work on the cure, but decide that it might be possible to get it from Section 31. Gowron is using ever riskier tactics against the Dominion. Kira, Rusot and Damar plan to attack. Kira tells Garak that she knows how bad Odo is, and talks to him about the Breen weapon. Worf and Gowron fight, and Worf wins. Martok is named Chancellor. Tensions between Kira and Rusot grow, so Damar kills him.

Night Tremors -When Kira brings a terminally ill Odo back to the station for medical treatment, he orders her to leave him and return to help the Cardassian Resistance. Later, O'Brien and Bashir inform Sisko of their plan to lure a Section Thirty-one operative, who may hold the cure to Odo's disease, to the station. The scheme works when Sloan, the director of the unsanctioned Starfleet extremist organization that infected Odo - as part of a genocidal plot against his people - arrives. But when Bashir places a Romulan mind probe on the agent, who refuses to give information regarding a cure, Sloan attempts suicide in the science lab by activating a neuro-depolarizing device in his brain.

The Dogs of War - While Sisko takes command of a new ship named in honor of the Defiant [formerly known as USS Sao Paolo / NCC-75633, Leonard S], Kira, Garak and Damar barely escape a Dominion ambush on Cardassia and are forced into hiding. Quark receives a static-filled messade from Grand Nagus Zek, the Ferengi leader, that he's been named Zek's successor. Now cured of the deadly Changeling virus, Odo is outraged to learn that he was infected by Section Thirty-one - an unsanctioned extremist organization within the Federation - but promises Sisko he won't take matters into his own hands.

What You Leave Behind (two hour finale) - On the eve of battle, Bashir and Exri spend the night together. Later, with Sisko in command, the Defiant joins the Federation-Klingon-Romulan fleet as the invasion of Cardassia is launched. On Cardassia Prime, Kira, Damar and Garak discuss Resistance plans to sabotage the Dominion's power and communication centers. On Bajor, Kai Winn asks Dukat to join her when she releases the Pah-wraiths from the Fire Caves, and Dukat vows to destroy Sisko.