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Son Of Soongs Star Trek Page


Ezri and Julian wake up together. He says to her that their night together has cleared up a lot of questions, like how far those spots go down. O'Brien and Keiko discuss a potential move back to Earth, but O'Brien has not told Julian yet. Kassidy suffers from morning sickness. Worf sits in Quarks drinking, and Quark can tell from his actions that they're planning to invade Cardassia. Quark lets on that he knows saying Morn told him, and Worf leaves. He bumps in to Odo. On the bridge of the Defiant-A they head off to Cardassia. Weyoun, Thot Gor and the Female Changeling discuss the invasion. It appears Legate Damar is still alive, at least according to Legate Broca. Meanwhile, Garak and Damar are caught by the Jem'Hadar but a Breen appears and rescues them. They're surprised, but it turns out to be Kira. They go back to Mila's house and plot to help the Federation. On the Defiant-A, Bashir talks with O'Brien about Ezri while O'Brien tries to work out how to tell Bashir. Worf continues teasing Ezri about her relationship with Julian. Dukat manages to get back on Winn's good side and they begin their plan to release the Pah Wraiths. Vic and Quark discuss the toll the war is taking on Quark's business over a game of Go Fish. Winn and Dukat look for the Pah Wraiths. Dukat persists in calling her by her first name, so she tells him not to. She needs his help for her task, so she cannot get rid of him. Thot Gor and the FC (Female Changeling) plan their attempt at repelling the invasion. As the power suddenly fails, Weyoun hurridly enters and tells them that the Cardassians have risen up against the Dominion. He promises to put a stop to the revolution. Kira, Garak, Damar and others discuss strategy as they try to restore power to Mila's house. Weyoun appears on the public address system. He states that the city of Lakarian has been levelled, and everyone living in it has been vapourised. Damar, Kira, Mila and Garak plan the next attack, even if they risk losing everything - It will all be worth it if Cardassia is free. Two huge fleets of Starships square off... the Dominion/Breen/Cardassian fleet is superior, but that doesn't stop Martok, Ross and Sisko promising to make good on Martok's promise from "Tears of the Prophets". The battle begins, with the Defiant kickin' ass. The Jem'Hadar appear at Mila's house, capturing Kira, Damar and Garak, and killing Mila. The battle continues, with the Federation taking losses. Weyoun tells the FC that the traitors have been caught. She orders their execution. Cardassian soldiers arrive and rescue them. The battle rages on, but something amazing happens - the Cardassian fleet begins firing on the Breen and Dominion ships. O'Brien is hurt, so Bashir takes him off the bridge. Weyoun and the FC realise what has happenned. They agree that the Cardassian race must be destroyed. The Breen and the Dominion fall back. Ross feels they should pull back too, but Martok and Sisko agree now is the time to press their advantage - the war could be over today. Dukat and Winn arrive at the fire caves... The leader of the Cardassians who rescued Kira and the others, Ekoor joins in the planning of a raid against Dominion HQ. Thot Gor leaves to take his place at the head of the Breen fleet. The FC has lost her ability to change form, she makes Weyoun promise that the Dominion will not die with her. Winn embraces the Pah Wraits. A huge wall of Dominion and Breen ships still seperate the Allies from Cardassia - they have a lot of work to do. The Cardassians, with Kira, Damar and Garak attack Dominion HQ. Damar is killed (NOOOOOOOO!), but Kira and Garak manage to fight their way through. Odo discovers a weakness in the Breen ships. As the Allies exploit this, the Breen begin to suffer heavy losses. In the Defiant's sickbay, O'Brien tells Bashir he's going to Starfleet Academy to teach. The Breen turn and run back to their homeworld (that'll teach you to blow up the Defiant, Freezer Faces). Weyoun and the FC, with most of the Jem'Hadar off killing Cardassians, are poorly protected and they know it. Kira and Garak arrive and order them to tell the Jem'Hadar still fighting the Alliance to stand down. They will not. Garak kills Weyoun (NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH THE CLONING FACILITY DESTROYED HE REALLY IS DEAD!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!) for all the damage he has done to Cardassia. The FC still refuses to back down. Kira contacts Sisko and tells him that the Dominion are not going to stand down. Sisko sends reinforcements down to help hold the Dominion's HQ. Odo goes down with them, to talk to the FC. Winn peforms the ceremony in the Fire Caves. Dukat drinks some wine, but it's poisoned - Winn has sacrificed him to the Pah Wraiths. Dukat dies. Odo links with the FC, and she is cured. He promises to return to the link with her to cure the Founders. The Jem'Hadar stand down. Odo tells Kira that he is returning to the link, and the FC will stand trial for her crimes. Sisko, Martok and Ross preparing to drink their Blood Wine but seeing the entire planet in ruins makes them somewhat less thirsty. Martok is pleased, but Bashir says there are over 800 million dead. Garak tells Bashir that he is going to remain on Cardassia, his exile is over. Bashir says "Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy... I wonder what's next for you, Garak". "Who can say, Doctor ? We live in uncertain times." The Dominion and the allies sign a peace treaty. Sisko, Martok and Ross drink a toast. Odo and Kira say goodbye. Winn chants an incantation to summon the Pah Wraiths. Dukat comes back to life - as a Pah Wraith. Sisko is contacted by the Prophets who tell him of his final task. He tells Ezri. At the Fontaine, Worf makes an announcement. He is the new Federation Ambassador to Q'ono'oS. They all realise that everything has changed. Dukat gloats over his victory. Sisko tells Kassidy that he has to go to the Fire Caves. She tries to stop him, but it does no good. Sisko arrives, but the Pah Wraiths send him a false vision - pretending to be Kassidy and Jake. He forges ahead, and faces Dukat. Dukat makes him bow before him. Winn tries to stop Dukat but is killed. Sisko lunges towards Dukat and they fall down in to an abyss with the book of Kosstamojian. Sisko is surrounded by a familiar white light. His mother appears and tells him that the Sisko is victorious. He is now one of them - His corporeal existence is over... Kassidy, Kira, Jake, Ezri, Odo and Bashir have failed to find Sisko in the caves. Sisko appears before Kassidy and tells her that he will return. As Vic sings "The Way You Look Tonight" we see a montage. Sisko and O'Brien play baseball. O'Brien and Bashir, O'Brien and Worf, Worf saying goodbye to Ezri giving her his Bat'Leth. Worf with Sisko, Jadzia and finally Ezri. Odo and Kira in Odo's quarters. Jake stares at the model of Sisko's house on Bajor, as we see clips of him with his father. More clips of the whole cast. O'Brien and Bashir say goodbye. Martok and Worf leave as Ezri watches. Sisko appears to Jake, saying goodbye. Quark finds Odo, who is trying to slip away. Odo refuses to say goodbye. Kira congratulates Nog on being promoted to Lieutenant. Kira talks about Sisko. Bashir and Ezri plan their new lives together. Bashir creates a new holosuite program that they can share, the Alamo was about him and O'Brien. They love each other deeply. Kira stops Quark's "Who will be the next Kai" betting pool before it starts. "The more things change, the more they stay the same" he says. Jake and Kira stand together on the Promenade, contemplating the wormhole... Guest Stars Andrew Robinson as Garak, Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun, Casey Biggs as Legate Damar, Marc Alaimo as Dukat/Anjohl, Max Grodenchik as Rom, Chase Masterson as Leeta, Max Grodenchik as Rom, Aron Eisenberg as Nog, J.G. Hertzler as Martok, Barry Jenner as Admiral Ross, and Special Guest Stars James Darren as Vic Fontaine, Salome Jens as the Female Changeling, and Louise Fletcher as Kai Winn - Yep, just about everyone aside from Moogie, Brunt and Zek. Other guest stars - Deborah Lacey as Sarah, Someone as Mila and Someone Else as Thot Gor ?