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Son Of Soongs Classic Trek #47 Page

The number 47 is heard in most Star Trek Episodes. Here is a list of the 47’s in Star Trek The Original.

Warning: Once you read this list of the use of the number 47, you will be hooked! From now on very episode will have you searching for the 47's, trying to yell it out before the other people in the room watching Star Trek with you.

The original Enterprise is, according to some tech manual somewhere, 947 feet long.

Balance of Terror
At one point the Enterprise has been "playing dead" for 9 hours and 47 minutes.

The Menagerie
General Order 7 prohibits contact with Talos 4 on pain of death.

Tomorrow Is Yesterday
Just before the crew sends Captain Christopher back in time to his plane, Sulu says "Warp 4, 7, 8," and his chronometer reads 7:40.

Errand of Mercy
Unit XY75A47 reported a Klingon fleet in their sector.

I, Mudd
Remember Barbara Series #471?

Bread and Circuses
The S.S. Beagle has 47 crew members.

(This is episode #47 of the original series, by the way; the title being "Obsession" was one of my early theories on why 47 was so popular in Trek.) This episode features the Constitution Class USS Farragut, NCC-1647.

The Immunity Syndrome
The episode takes place on stardate 4307.

The Immunity Syndrome
Scotty informs Kirk that the shields are at 47% and won't hold out much longer.

The Immunity Syndrome
Spock tells Captain Kirk: "My...calculations indicate--shields...only forty-seven minutes."

The Ultimate Computer
At one point, when two other starships mount a surprise attack, M5 sets the ship on heading 112 mark 5. 1+1+2=4. 2+5=7.

The Omega Glory
Kirk cites "Article 7, Section 4" of regulations as reason to arrest Tracey.

Assignment: Earth
When Gary Seven first transports into his office he turns the computer on, the wall turns around revealing a computer and he says "Specify the locations of agents 201 and 347."

Assignment: Earth
When Kirk and Spock step out of the elevator and call Scotty on the communicators, Scotty says: "Proceed 5 meters, 247 degrees true."

The Empath
When Kirk, Spock and McCoy first beam down to the laboratory on the planet, Spock mentions that it will take 74.1 solar hours for the storm to pass.