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Son Of Soongs Voyager #47 Page

The number 47 is heard in most Star Trek Episodes. Here is a list of the 47’s in Star Trek Voyager.

Warning: Once you read this list of the use of the number 47 in Star Trek Voyager, you will be hooked! From now on very episode will have you searching for the 47's, trying to yell it out before the other people in the room watching Voyager with you.

1.The interval of the energy pulses sent by the Caretaker has decreased by .47 seconds

2.The Holodoc has the experience of 47 medical officers
3.Monitor input 47 is the EMH channel

4.The Holodoc said Neelix would stay alive 47 minutes after his lungs were removed
5.Voyager is 547 meters from the source of the dampening field within the asteroid

6.Voyager discovered the 247th element known to Federation science

7.Tom Paris had his mind taken over by another presence for 1 minute 47 seconds

Learning Curve
8.47 bioneural gel pack in reserve

9.The Captain Janeway holographic image is stored in memory block 47 Alpha

10.Shields are at 47 percent after repeated bumps by the space dwelling lifeform

Non Sequitur
11.Harry Kim graduated from the Academy on 47918
12.Harry's office in San Francisco was on level six, subsection 47

13.In counting up the warpcore pressure in megapascals, Harry says the number 47
14.On the schematic of the contorted Voyager, there is the number 8-747
15.On the schematic of the contorted Voyager, there is the number 4786 Cold Fire
16.Suspiria would arrive in 47 hours

17.A course bearing 219 mark 47

18.B'Elanna Torres repairs Automated Unit 3947
19.Aft shields had a 47% loss

20.In sickbay, a computer shows Biomedical Scan 47 with Tom’s two hearts

21.In sickbay, a computer shows a DNA scan with the number 47 in it

Dreadnought 22.B'Elanna Torres' last access of Dreadnought was Stardate 47582
23.On a schematic of Dreadnought's systems, there is a number 47

Death Wish
24.In sickbay, a computer shows a biobed readout of Quinn with the number 47

25.The Holodoc has performed 347 medical exams

26.Ensign Hogan uses Engineering Authorization Code Omega-47
27.Neelix illegally uses Engineering Authorization Code Omega-47

28.B'Elanna Torres tried remodulating the comm frequency five times on 47 different frequencies.
29.347 Vidiians had boarded Voyager

30.Planetary scan 047

31.Shields were down to 47 percent

Basics, Part 2
32.Vessel Schematic 4747 shows the Holodoc where to disrupt the backup phaser banks
33.In Engineering, a touchpad numbered 247 was near the touchpad to disrupt the backup phaser banks

The Chute
34.47 offduty patrollers were killed in a bombing

35.On the Excelsior, there was a hull breach on deck 12, section 47 False Profits
36.False Profits is episode #47 of Voyager and it was written by Joe Menosky, the originator of the 47 inside joke
37.One of the Ferengi counted the number 147
38.The Rules of Acquisition have 47 separate commentaries

Future's End, Part 1
39.Southern California sank in the Hermosa Quake of 2047
40.Narrow band EM signal was “Airline’s flight 47 to ground control”
41.The police officer was number 247
42.After Rain Robinson's computer hard drive was wiped it read Fatal System Error: Error #0047

Future's End, Part 2
43.The satellite was named SatComm 47
44.The Timeship Aeon is headed to 96 mark 047

Q and the Grey
45.Supernova at 217 mark 47

Macrocosm 46.On an away mission, the Holodoc is proceeding on vector 147

Fair Trade
47.Biomimetic gel needs the Starfleet standard issue container L647-X7
48.Neelix found a container number L647-Y6

Alter Ego
49.Shields have dropped to 47 percent
50.Stardate 50471.3

51.Chakotay is told to go to module 47-Omega of the Borg cube

52.The tether's velocity must stay at 47 kilometers per hour

Before and After
53.Stardate 56947 is mentioned
54.The temporal variance of the chronoton torpedo is 1.47 microseconds Real Life
55.There was a shock wave on bearing 047 mark 19

Distant Origins
56.Voth share 47 genetic markers with humans

57.148 lifeforms on board (That breaks down to 147 adults and 1 baby)

Worst Case Scenario
58.The "Insurrection Alpha" holoprogram had been accessed 47 times
59.Tuvok's security clearance is 4774

Scorpion, Part 1
60.Holodoc's blood cell close-up was entitled "Image Enhancement 047"
61.The Borg named the aliens Species 8472

Scorpion, Part 2
62.Further involvement with Species 8472

The Gift
63.Communications Node was labeled Starfleet 59S478
64.Seven of Nine was born on Stardate 25479

Day of Honor
65. Structural Integrity had fallen 47% in the shuttlecraft

Year of Hell, Part 1
66.Day number 47 of the Year of Hell is featured
67.The exact temporal variance of the Krenim torpedo is 1.47 microseconds

Concerning Flight
68.Voyager main computer processor has simultaneous access to 47 million data channels
69.da Vinci's holo-emitter was currently 4.7 kilometers outside the city

Waking Moments
70.Stardate 51471.3

Message in a Bottle
71.Voyager is at coordinates 18, mark 205, mark 47
72.Romulans used attack pattern beta 47

73.A member of Species 8472 was on Voyager

The Killing Game, Part 1
74.Janeway's club made 1247 francs and 81 Reich marks in the WWII simulation

The Killing Game, Part 2
75.The sickbay console showed Janeway the Auxiliary Systems 0470 display
76.Janeway and Harry both accessed the Auxiliary Systems 0472 display

77.Seven had the transporter narrow the confinement beam to .47 terahertz

78.Seven adjusts the ship .347 degrees starboard

Hope and Fear
79.The computer said the launch date for the USS Dauntless was 51472
80.The fake video message from the Admiral said they performed 47 trial runs on the slipstream technology
81.Seven was looking at a screen with “energy simulation 2473”

82.Tom reports the vortex will intercept Voyager in 47 seconds. Drone
83.The drone has assimilated 47 billion terraquads of information

Extreme Risk
84.B'Elanna only ran a holoprogram about the Alpha Quad Maquis being murdered for 47 seconds.

In the Flesh
85.Chakotay's service number is 4-7-Alpha-6-1-2

Once Upon a Time
86.Starfleet regulation 476-9 was referred to

Infinite Regress
87.Naomi Wildman knows all 47 suborders of the prime directive