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Son of Soongs Star Trek News


Tuvok and Belanna get assimilated into drones in the Season 6 Finale of Voyager titled 'Unimatrix Zero'. Janeway gets assimilated into the new Borg Queen and the Delta Flyer is destroyed. Never to be seen again :-(

Voyager is confirmed to return to the home during its final (7th) season

Data will be killed in Star Trek 10. Seems that after 10 years of playing an ageless android has finally caught up with him :-( We will miss him badly. It will also be Deanna Troi's last movie. I also believe the same for Picard And Worf.

The new Star Trek Series is titled Birth of the Federation. It will revolve around the Federation being formed *after first contact with the Vulcans* A Villian from the 29th Century traves back into the past to stop these events. And the main ship in the series is.....Enterprise. A new one *old actually due to the timeline* that predates Kirks ship. Rick Berman is one of its creators. Good to know that the best are on the job.

Leanard Nimoy (Spock) seems to be trying to create a Star Trek Series based on the Adventures of Captain Sulu and the USS Excelsior. Sounds good to me.