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Star Trek Voyager Season 4

Scorpion part 2 - Voyager maintains its alliance with the Borg but when the Borg Drones take command of Voyager and take it into species 8472's domain, Voyager becomes forced to fight in the war between the 2 rivals.

The Gift - Her contact with Species 8472 forces Kes to begin evolving, soon, her advanced state begins to weaken the ships structural integrity. Meanwhile the Borg Drone left on Voyager slowly becomes an individual.

Day Of Honor - The day Klingons test their honor, intelligence and strength has arrived, BElanna Torres is however, not in the mood for silly games.

Nemesis - When Chacotay crashed on a planet, he is rescued by a species who are involved in a War, soon, he begins to feel for their cause and gets involved in their war.

Revulsion - Voyager receives a distress call from a holographic character who is the only surviving member of its crew, who are all dead.

Raven - Seven leaves Voyager in search of a Borg transponder, claiming it is summoning her there. She arrives at an old ship, crashed on a planet. The ship is the one where she was first assimilated over 20 years earlier.

Scientific Method - Voyager is invaded by a group of scientific beings who are conducting medical experiments on the crew, The Doctor adjusts Sevens Borg implants so she will be able to detect the invading force.

Year Of Hell part 1 - The Krenim are erasing entire civilizations to restore their Empire, changing history so that the damage to Voyager is so extreme, the crew is forced to abandon ship.

Year Of Hell part 2 - While attempting to repair Voyager, Captain Janeway launches a suicidal attack on the lead Krenim Ship in hope of recuing Chacotay and Tom Paris who were captured by the Krenim leader, Annorix.

Random Thoughts - While enjoying shoreleave on a planet hosted by a telepathic species, BElanna Torres is arrested and accused of thinking a violent thought which resulted in one of the planets inhabitants being assulted.

Concerning Flight - Janeway forgets to turn off her Leonardo DiVinci heledeck program when she is called to the bridge. When Voyager is attacked by space pirated, they steal some of Voyagers technology, including The Doctors holo-emitter. When Voyager trace it to a planet, they find it weing worn by Leonardo DiVinci, who believes hes in America.

Mortal Coil - When on a rutine shuttle assignment, tradgedy strikes when Neelix is hit by an energy like beam which kills him. Seven claims they could use Borg Nanites to revive him.

Waking Moments - The crew of Voyager are mystified when the entire crew begins having nightmares, nightmares which all include the same vision of an unknown alien species. Soon the entire crew begins falling into a deep sleep from which they wont wake up.

Message In A Bottle - Upon the discovery of an alien array, The Doctor is transported onto a Federation ship in the Alpha Quadrant, hoping to let Starfleet know where Voyager is, he finds the new Prototype Vessel under the control of Romulans.

Hunters - Seven and Tuvok are captured by a group of Hirogen Hunters who soon set their sights on capturing Voyager as well.

Prey - Voyager finds a Hirogen ship damaged ond one of its crew dead. Beaming the survivor aboard, He claims to have underestiated his latest prey. Voyager later finds a blood sample of Species 8472 on their ship.

Retrospect - Seven attacks a man who is aboard Voyager, helping Janeway install new weapons systems. When The Doctor attemts to discover why Seven attacked him, he discovers some suppressed memories in which he removed some of her Borg implants, effectively violating her.

Killing Game part 1 - Voyager is taken over by the Hirogen who brainwash the crew into believing they are part of Holodeck programs, which the Hirogen have been using to hunt the Voyager crew.

Killing Game part 2 - The Hirogens hunting game backfires when an explosion in the holodeck allows dozens of American holographic characters to storm the decks of Voyager, believing its a Nazi Base.

Vis A Vis - Voyager helps an alien, Steth, and saves his ship from destruction. Paris becomes friends with Steth who in return, effectively clones himself into Tom Paris and takes over the helm while the real Paris is trapped in the form of the old Steth.

Omega Directive - All ship controls go haywire on Voyager and display the 'omega' symbol. Janeway then invokes a Starfleet protocal which keeps the crew in the dark while the crew of Voyager begin believing she is leading them into danger.

Unforgettable - Chacotay is paid a visit by a beautiful woman who claims to have spent several weeks on board Voyager. Noone has any memory of this but she claims that her race has a pheromone that erases the memory of all those around her.

Living Witness - 700 years into the future, Captain Janeway is viewed in a museum using a holographic images of their ship, crew and their lives. The story being told to a race called the Vaskans claim that Voyager started a war between them and the Kyrians. Soon, the Doctor is found and put on trial for Voyagers crimes.

Demon - With Voyager desperate for energy, Paris and Kim attempt to get energy from a class Y planet. They get their energy using Space Suits but when they remove the suits back on Voyager, the ships Oxygen atmosphere poisons them.

One - Voyager encounters a nubula which poisons the crew. To avoid a full years travel eround the nubula, the entire crew except The Doctor and Seven, who are unaffected, is put into stasis. Seven prepares for a lonely few weeks travel while passing through the nebula.

Hope And Fear - Arturis, an alien with excellent language skills, is able to decipher the message that Starfleet sent to Voyager 2 months ago. The message leads Voyager to a new experimental Starship which features a new slipstream drive, capable of getting the crew home in 3 months. As the crew finally accept the fact that they're going home, Seven ponders about living with Humans back on Earth.