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Star Trek Voyager Season 5

Night - Voyager enters an area of space void of stars, planets and anomalies. This area of space will take several years to cross.

Drone - When the Doctors holo-emitter fuses with Sevens nanoprobes, a futuristic Borg Drone from the 29th Century is born on Voyager. More problems arrive when a Borg Sphere arrives to take the Drone back.

Extreme Risk - When a Malan ship attempts to capture one of Voyagers probes, The 2 ships compete in a 'space race' to get to the probe first. Meanwhile, Belanna begins taking extreme risks in the holodeck to relieve her anger over the Maquis mutiny back home.

In The Flesh - Voyager discovers an exact replica of the San Francisco Cadet Training Yards aboard an alien space station. While exploring, the discovery is made that Species 8472 is using the facility to train their people in preparation for their attack on Earth.

Once Upon A Time - When Ensign Wildmans Delta Flyer crashes on a planet, Neelix looks after Naomi while her mother is missing. Still grieving over the death of his sister, Alixia, he begins believing that a Federation Starship is no place for a child.

Timeless - While being persued by Captain La Forge, The galaxies most wanted fugitives and sole survivors of the Starship Voyager, arrive at the ships broken hull with a plan that will prevent the ships destruction and save the lives of the crew from a fatal error 15 years ago.

Infinite Regress - The discovery of a Borg Device floating in space causes Seven to manifest multiple personalities, Janeway is devastated to learn that Seven may be lost before anyone can help her.

Nothing Human - When an injured alien attaches itself to BElanna Torres's body, The Doctor creates another EMH to help him remove the alien, but BElanna refuses the Cardassian Doctors help when she discovers his past.

Thirty Days - This episode features the long awaited 'Delaney Sisters.' The episode also features anothe Captain Proton Story.

Counterpart - Voyager rescues 2 families of telepaths from the Devore Imperium who pleed with Janeway to grant them asylum when Voyager is boarded by Devore Officers who are looking for the defectors.

Latent Image - When the Doctor discoers that someone has been tampering with his short term memory buffer, he begins an investigation to find who, or what, is responcible.

Bride Of Chaotica - When aliens from a fifth dimension arrive on Voyager, they mistake Tom Paris's holodeck program, 'Captain Proton' to be a real threat. The crew of Voyager are forced to portray the programs characters to save the ship.

Gravity - When Tuvok, Paris and The Doctor crashland a shuttle on a desolate planet, they befriend an alien female who becomes attracted to Tuvok, despite his Vulcan heritage, he begins to fall in love with her too.

Bliss - After five years of searching, the crew of Voyager find a stable wormhole to the Alpha Quadrant. As the crew prepare to return home, Seven violates the Captains orders and attempts to shop the ship entering the wormhole.

Dark Frontier (Motion Picture - 2 part) - After defeating a Borg Ship in battle, Captain Janeway prepares an away team to retrieve Borg Technology that will get the crew home. The Borg realize what shi is planning and access Sevens Neural Transceiver, giving her an option, return to the Borg, or the Voyager crew will be assimilated. When she returns to the Borg, Janeway leads an one man away team to get her back and has a confrontation with the Borg Queen.

The Disease - Harry Kim violates Starfleet directives, and has a love affair with an alien. "I have served on this ship for five years and said yes maam to every one of your orders but not this one." - Harry Kim

Course: Oblivion - Voyager is infected with some kind of virus which breaks down not only the Ships structure, but the structure of the entire crew, slowly killing them all.

The Fight - To get out of 'Chaotic Space', Commander Chacotay gets involved in a boxing match with an alien, if he cant find out who he's up against, all the crew will die.

Think Tank - Voyager is offered assistance by a group of telepaths called 'think tank' who are willing to save the crews lives, the one thing they want in return, is for Seven to join them and they wont take no for an answer.

Juggernaught - Voyager discovers a Malan ship which is in danger of destruction, if that occurs, the the ships pollution will affect and possibly annihilate the entire sector.

Watch Over Me - When helping Seven of Nine get ready for her first date, The Doctor begins to fall in love with her. Harry Kim gets jealous when he discovers hes not on Sevens possible dates list.

11:59 - takes place completely in the year 2000 on Earth, where we get to follow Janeway's distant, distant ancestor, great-great-great-great-great-grandmother. She will be played by Kate Mulgrew, and it will be a quintessential.

Relativity - Starfleet officers from the 29th century arrive on Voyager, using advanced technology to hide Sevens borg implants, they take her back in time to just before Voyager was launched from DS9 5 years earlier. Her mission, to disable a time bomb planted somewhere on the ship.

The Warhead - Voyager encounters two societies in war. When one sends a "smart bomb" in the direction of the other "by accident" it is left to Voyager to stop it before the other society is destroyed. Complicating issues is the bomb, which is "sentient" and feels it can only be satisfied if it blows up. Through some discovery, Voyager learns they can implant the personality of the bomb into the Doctor's subroutine's. The Doctor becomes the voice of the bomb.

Equinox part 1 - Voyager is attacked by a terrifying alien species who wants revenge over the death of its own kind at the hands of another Federation Starship, the U.S.S. Equinox, whose ship was also pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. Doing anything they can to get home, they destroyed the prime directive and even wiped their EMH's subroutines so he can do harm to other creatures. Creating, in essence, an evil violent EMH. The Equinox is on the run from the terrifying aliens who keep appearing on their ship through fissures. Voyagers EMH is accidently swapped with the Equinoxes EMH. Deals, in part, with the theft of Voyager's holo-emitters.
The episode ends when Janeway orders the USS Equinox to be dismantled. The Equinoxes crew however, kidnap Seven and take off towards the Alpha Quadrant. The visious aliens return and attack Voyager while the Equinox, who can travel much faster than Voyager, makes its escape.
This episode was mistakenly believed to be a continuation of the previous episode, The Warhead. Please note that this is not true. The two episodes have a completely different storyline.