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Happy Halloween From Blackdeath56


October 27, 2001 11:35 CST

I'm getting cable!!! So I'm gonna start playing Diablo 2 agian. Once I get a new copy since my old on got messed up. So there there will be a D2 section. I'm looking for a leader here soon. Have a nice day.

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild

October 27, 2001 11:31 CST

Ok, I'm back....Someone decided to mess my computer up. So I couldn't update for a week. It's still running like crap. So when I get it running i'll work on something.

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild

Saturday Update
October 20, 2001 21:14 CST

Well, I've been away for the last four days, working with school reports, I think I may have lost my job. Which means that the $460 some , worth of fine won't be getting paided off. Unless I find a way to make some fast cash. If worst comes to worst I'll have to sell my computer, my bass guitar, and amp. I hope that doesn't happen cause I wanna keep this webpage running.Imay update later today if I finish the work on the roof of my shed.

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild

World News Issues
October 16, 2001 21:14 CST
Due to the fact that Antarax is spreading in the US, I would urge anyone who visits this page to e-mail the President of the USA, , about getting enought missle defence and Antarax vaccines to help at least 1/2 of the USA population. This issue bothers me, but at least Antarax is curable. Think about it, what if it where nukes?

Help support the US, even if your from the UK or Canada, I urge you to e-mail the president. I'll see what I can find about how to find out if you have Antarax or not, and the symptoms.

Also, if you recive a package from and unknown party, DO NOT open it. It could contain Antarax. There has been a number of people targeted, they are sent sometimes in BLUE (This doesn't mean they are all blue) packages.

Well, now that I have mad you fear the pstal service more then the media, take hed to my warnings and keep safe. Thanks....

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild

Poll Section Added
October 16, 2001 21:03 CST
The subject of the undate explains it all...I add the poll section, after I get the hover code intergrated into the webpage it should make thinks simple for you to find the links on the page. Well, thats it, my intro is at 50% of the alpha test. After I finish the alpha, i'll make a beta version, and test it on angelfire. If angelfire allows flash...

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild

User Poll
October 15, 2001 22:38 CST
You can now vote, on stupid crap :).... Well that's all I had time for today, I had to fix a roof, a lawn mower, and an old Pentium 100 Computer. I just love being mister fix-it. Tommarow, I'll set up the poll on the weekly poll section....Well have a good day.

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild

Nothing New Yet
October 14, 2001 10:38 CST
Sorry for not updating much today. I was busy with a computer I had to fix. I did all that work, just to find out that the BIOS had a password, that my friend doesn't know, so while I fix that, I'll be slacking on updates. I'll try to get at least soming new up here....

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild

Intro Progress Report
October 14, 2001 01:17 CST
The Flash intro is now 45% complete, just for all of you, who are wonder how crapy my Flash skillz are. :) Keep checking back for future updates. Later...

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild

After Work Update
October 13, 2001 23:37 CST
Well, it seems to me that the free-banner ads are generating hits, i just made a second banner to upload to it, and after I'm done with this update i'm gonna do that.
If anyone knows of a good free mailing list, please contact me. I want to get the mailing list up soon. I'll have to get some files to upload. BLAH BLAH! Ok chated your ears off enought, have a good night.

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild
October 13, 2001 14:31 CST
I got the banner exchange program up today. Soon this site will be generating some hits. I'll have get the rest of the site running ASAP. That means my first day off work. I haven't had many free weekends since I started. I just have to update bit by bit till I get some help or something, but have faith, I made a total of 4 $o$ websites, the one on AOL was my first, but it has been long gone since 1997ish. Well, keep checking back. And if your a webmaster, you should consider becoming a staff member. I'm looking for three other webmasters. Total four, we now have one. :) Well, you all have a good one, and check back.

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild

First update in almost two years:
October 11, 2001 CST
Well well, almost 2 years. Dang...Well I got a new Counter From, and I guess the old Diablo clan members are far off on there own endeverors, but I shall remain. Picking up the ashes.

$o$ now isn't a game clan....YAH! Well it is some what but I'll explain that later. It is for programers, webmasters, graphical design artists. Basically, its a programing guild, with the fact that we (well I) are looking for reviewers, article writers, webmasters

Writers: Article, Reviews, Rants, ect.
Webmasters: Web Site Design
Graphic Arts: Flash, Web Graphics, Artistic works, ect.

Contact me:
ICQ: 124504848
AIM: GothicChild
