...You think having a floppy disk means imminent back surgery.
...You think cleaning up your Windows means getting out the ammonia and squeegee.
...Your neighbor tells you he is going to buy more memory, and you think he's been watching too many Info-mercials.
...You pick up your mouse and point it at the monitor to get it to work.
...Someone asks you if you have Windows in your computer, and you go looking for a screwdriver.
...You think the way to exit out of programs is to press the Reset button.
...You think a hard drive is getting through Port Richie on Route 19 at rush hour.
...You call in sick and tell your boss you caught a cold from a computer virus
...If you think the Millenium Bug is something you can squash with your foot
...You think a drive crash happens when you don't wear your seatbelt.
...You think a warm boot is what you get when you leave your shoes on the stove.
...If you think a back slash is something kinky.
...You think backing up your files means going in reverse.
LOL ! ahhh yes the good old days :) don't lie, u know you've been there. hehehe
This joke found at http://www.xtalwind.net/~gmorrow/hints.htm
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