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The Top 10 Lists

Top Ten Signs You're A Protoss Fanatic

10. You really believed that Tyme Numarec was an actual Protoss.

9. When referring to Protoss units in your posts, you use "our Carriers, our Scouts, our fleets, our forces, etc."

8. You honestly think that Shuttles, Arbiters and Carriers should replace the current mass transit system.

7. You felt emotionally scarred by the removal of Mind Control, and felt the need to vent on the forums.

6. You have gloated over the fact that Archons are no longer vulnerable to the Spawn Broodling spell.

5. You have been flamed for reasons #7 and/or #6.

4. You have already submitted your application to the main Templar Archives on Aiur and hope to be accepted soon.

3. Your "secret project" behind the house is really an attempt to turn your in-ground swimming pool into a Robotics Bay.

2. You have wondered why Blizzard doesn't just forgo Beta testing and simply warp in StarCraft from the homeworld.

1. You have written a top ten Protoss post. ;)

For Aiur.
--by Auspex Turmalis

Top Ten Signs You're a Zerg Fanatic

10. You've been caught trying to induce self-mutation by drinking floor cleaner and shoe polish.

9. You've developed a protective fascination with all types of insect life.

8. You think the voices in your head are really the Overmind trying to make contact.

7. You ate your hamster in the hopes of absorbing its genetic material.

6. Bug spray, fly swatters, flypaper, bug zappers, roach motels, and those little bug bombs make you break out in a cold sweat.

5. You've been taking night classes to learn the Zerg language.

4. When you watch the Aliens movies, you cry for every bug that gets shot, cheer when the humans get eaten, and experience a deep, inexplicable fury towards Sigourney Weaver.

3. You've built your own coccoon in the hopes of morphing into a Hydralisk.

2. You refer to yourself as "we" instead of "I" because you're merely an extension of the Overmind's will.

1. You've planned out a global campaign of conquest and dinner for the imminent arrival of the Zerg forces. Now, only the Terrans and Protoss sympathizers working under the identity of the dummy corporation known as "Blizzard" stand in the way of your victory.

--by Heartrender

What about the Terrans???

10. You strongly believe Bill Clinton should undergo neural resocialization.

9. You drop out of school to join the Colonial Space Fleet.

8. You begin telling neighborhood children that Santa will be delivering gifts in a Goliath starting next Christmas.

7. You fire your construction contractor, stating that you can get the job done much faster with a few SCV's.

6. You wrap yourself in aluminum foil before going outside, claiming it has "cloaking" technology.

5. You call up your girl/boy friend at 3 in the morning to tell them you love the smell of napalm.

4. You sell your house to live in a trailer park in central Alabama.

3. You ask your eye doctor for an Ocular Upgrade.

2. You join the military in hopes of getting a lifetime supply of StimPacks.

1. You call up the Psychic Network and threaten to blast them with an EMP Shockwave unless they give you $100,000 - Or 100 Minerals and 50 Gas.

--by Chuko


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