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Starcraft News for Aug. 31st

World of Custom Remake
The new custom graphics over at SC Infoceptor are so popular they decided to divide up the page. You can access the main section here and from there choose the section you need.

Another Top 10?
I never noticed but SC Realm has a Top 10 List also. Wow, I must be slipping... You can see their Top 10 here, and Congrats to Tech Base for making this one, as well as Infinity and Infoceptor

Free Starcraft Game Server 0.4.1a
StarHack has put up a new version of FSGS (a windows Starcraft server based on Bnetd 0.3). With this new version servers can interconnect. Grab it here.

SC Infoceptor Dethrones SC Legacy!
Yessssssssss! StarShack put out the Top 10 list yesterday and Infoceptor ruled! Congrats also to SC Infinity, Camelot Systems and Antioch, some sites I deeply respect :)

OH Hall Monitor!
There's a post in the forums on the bottom two ladder players, {RAYMAN} and Zoltrac. They play repeatedly and Zoltrac always disconnects. Hmmm maybe he's got the worlds worst ISP, yeah thats it! Now why do I post on this?? Well I find it interesting that no one wants them deleted for ladder abuse. Ok Ok so they're at the bottom, but with the recent top player deletings and all the Cheater! Disconnecting Lamer!! flames in the forums I thought I'd point out the little hypocracies of life. :) Hmmm, I don't know Mick, we might have to take away your hall monitor sash for this oversight... *wink* [news source - scLegacy]

Fanfiction Contest
So you like to write and SC inspires you. This contest is for you then. Extreme Starcraft is holding a fanfiction contest with the winner turning his original story into a series to be posted at their site. Submit your chapter based or section based story to Knightmare. Get more info here.

New Contender in Weekly SCM's
Interstellar Sagas has started to release a new SCM every Sunday. All the scms will be created by the staff. The first release is called Scald. You can get all the info and download Scald here.

The Second Season Ballad
There's a funny post in the forums by [9]Happydaz written in the form of a ballad. Covers all the main happenings in the last ladder season and is a cool read. I'd forgot half this stuff happened. hehehe
[news source - SC Infinity]

Arsenal Released
King Arthur at Camelot Systems released a semi beta version of Arsenal. This is not the complete prog, just something for ya'll to play around and experiiment with for now. This version supports editing the weapons.dat, upgrades.dat, and techdata.dat files. The next version will support the units.dat if not all the remaining .dat files. Download Arsenalv1.06 (73kb) and MS VB 5.0 Runtime Libraries (1.7mb) now.

Starcraft News for Aug. 30th

StarDraft Latest
Camelot Systems released 10 new screenshots showing off the cool stuff SD can do. King Arthur released modification file for StarDraft yesterday, most of the changes are to the marine. Check the SD FAQ for more info on how to use it. One last thing, King Arthur uploaded a grahic converter utility, GFX Converter, by Alex Cech. He also uploaded a StarCraft Unit Palette for use with the GFX/GRP Converters. For more info on all this head over to Camelot.

More Custom Graphics Released
SC Infoceptor has added a couple more. These sound really cool to me. First is the Protoss to Orc Structure Pack including the Pig Farm, the Barracks and the Stronghold. Amaze your Orc friends with your new warping abilities :) They've also got the Zealot to Grunt Conversion. Talk about a grunt rush! And they've got one that replaces Vulture Grenades with Spider Mines too. Grab these and others in the Custom Graphics Section. One note, you can use all these graphics while playing on, but your opponent will see the units normal. Sounds fun tho :) Guide to Glory
Scum Runners recieved a large strat file from Gone2mars. It's full of tips for improving your multiplayer games. Download it here.

Lord of the Dance
Want to see what the Orcs entertain the troops on a Firday night? Check out Lord of the Dance. It's no full Monty but it's kinda fun :) This animated gif brougt to you by WC3 Town Hall.

Intersting Post
Agent 911 made a post in the forums, and although some of it is clearly written when he's angry he brings up several good points. Just goes to show how a few childish ppl can spoil the ladder/ experience. Read the last paragraph and the P.S. to Mick. Brings up an interesting point I think. Sort of goes along with that whole TillerMan ~{ZoL}~Grrrr... thing.

Long Live Ma Bell
I know the phone company drives me nuts but when I hear ppl in other countries talk of what they pay for internet connections I shiver. There's a post at SC Realm where his phone bill was $210 *ouch* and now his mom is threatening to deny internet access. (You can't blame her, that's a lot of money) And that bill added up from just 10 cents per 5 min! I know a certain someone who lives in Europe who's bill has reached as high as $600 !! Kinda makes you want to kiss Ma Bell's hand and say thankyou, thankyou! (Or should that be the FCC's hand?) $20 a month unlimited access sounds very reasonable to me. Just something to be thankful for the next time you write out those bills.

Join the Revolution!
Looks like The Rift has become the Scum Revolution. It's a site dedicated to getting scum submissions back to the sites that were originally dedicated to them, and out of the hands of the mega sites. Sounds like a plan to me. :) Help the revolution and submit your scms now. hey, you know me, all hail the little people :)

Starcraft News for Aug. 29th

Gives a Whole New Meaning to Happy Meals
Always wondered why McDonalds was so popular :) Guess it's not the toys, hehehe

Diablo II Page Updated
Oops almost forgot, Blizz updated the character page for D2 with some new Character pics. Check it out here.

New Battlefield Communicator
There's a new version out for download. Addresses a few bugs with the beta. Grab it here. Note: This release doesn't work with the original beta release and the original beta will stop working on Sept 1st.

New Diablo II Info
GameCenter went to Blizzard North and got a peek at D2 recently. Get info on the never b4 seen Act II with it's Desert World! Lots of new info here and new screens! Definitely worth a read :)

SC Water Units Screenshot !!
Yep I said Water units :) I recieved the coolest screenshot in email from Xenophanes. It's got a whole new breed of unit he created. This one is called the Hydroling. Check it out :) I always thought SC should have water units.

SCM of the Week Update
There were some probs with Friends 98 and Blizz has released a new version. Download it here. [news source - BGC]

World of Customs
As I mentioned yesterday Infoceptor had a custom graphics section. Well today it is up. Here's the announcent.

Starcraft Infoceptor is proud to announce our our World of Customs which features the biggest Archive of custom graphics, Datafiles portraits, Doodads etc. Just today Infoceptor has released four Custom Graphics files, the major one being the conversion of Marines to Archers. Yes Archer Graphics is now available at Infoceptor, the first of the many Starcraft--->War Total Conversion planned. The others include a Black Haired Kerrigan, a Terran Powerplant and scourge missiles which can all be found in the world of customs

Starcraft News for Aug. 28th

Hall Monitor of
Hall Monitors... Didn't you hate those guys in school ? Well there's a post up from Blizzard'z own Hall Monitor Mick that explains why he reset ~{ZoL}~Grrrr... and TillerMaN. BTW anyone know what that "Argumentum ad hominem" translates too? What is it a prerequisite that you have to speek latin to work at Blizz now? [news source - SS]

RTS Nuts Unite !!
Well if your an RTS enthusiast and you think that game genre rules there is a new site opening up that just might make your mouth water :) Its called Sector 3 and ok there's not a lot there right now, but you can see what they plan on offering and the general layout here. There also looking for staff if your interested. Games they plan on covering include all the biggies (SC, TA, DR, C&C, MechCommander etc..) so why not give it a peek.

New Site on the Horizon?
Warblade, one of my fav webmasters, is leaving SC.Org and after thanking everyone and speakig of the learning experiences at SC.Org he had this little tidbit.. it's really helped me to become a better web person overall and I'm positive that you'll soon be seeing the results... Now that definitely sounds like he'll be showing up somewhere soon. So what do you think? Going to give Shlonglor a hand a Blizz, open his own site or show up at one of the bigger name sites? Hmmmm....

Printable Friends 98 Map
Laszlo over at SC.Org is really on it today and allready has the printable map of the new SCM of the Week, Friends 98, up for ya.

Download Friends98
Download It Now

It's Friday!
Spread the word of a newly uplifted culture by travelling to the far corners of the galaxy, meeting new and interesting cultures, and destroying them! That's one of the teasers for the new .SCM of the Week. Download it Now. 192x192 Jungle World, Designed for 4 to 8 players, Use Map Settings for allied play.

Too Cool !
Did you ever notice how in the Bible, whenever God needed to punish someone, or make an example, or whenever God needed a killing, he sent an angel? Did you ever wonder what a creature like that must be like? A whole existence spent praising your God, but always with one wing dipped in blood. Would you ever really want to see an angel? --Thomas Dagget (The Prophecy, 1995) ....
Now with an intro like that how can you not want to read Prophets review on Requiem over at Did ya'll see "The Prohecy"? Man I loved that movie :)

News for TA Players
Microsoft Corp. and Cavedog Entertainment announced an agreement to provide free multiplayer gaming support (connect-time charges may apply) via the Internet Gaming Zone for Total Annihilation and the expansion packs. The service is available now so if you've got the retail version of TA just head on over and start seeking out some new enemies.

Custom SC Graphics
SC Infoceptor has been playing with StarDraft and is releasing a custom graphics section some time tomorrow. It sounds pretty cool. You can download the "Scourge Missiles" right now and check out a pic of what it looks like at their site.

Mini SC Theme Released
Gargantua at Garg's Back has released a few goodies. There's StarCraft cursor, a command center icon, a wraith icon and a 640x480 wallpaper. Go check em out. You can download them individually from his site.

SC Insurrection Review
GameSpot has a review of SC Insurrection up. They only give it a 4.8 out of 10 and say it's no where near the quality of SC. I haven't seen one good review on this thing yet :( Read why they don't like it here. [news source - Shafe's]

Things in SC That Make Me Go Hmmm..
Recieved this from PyreLight and thought it was funny :) I like the signature too. Trekkers will get it :)

  1. When my friend and I were playing a team game against the enemy, he grumbled about the protoss unit attacked warning. "You have engaged the enemy? I don't want to marry them Zerg!"
  2. Why do zerg eggs get pissed when you click on them too much?
  3. What would happen if a seige tank needed oiled and got stuck halfway thru transformation?
  4. Is the Overmind related to the beached whale in terms of speed?
  5. Why do the protoss zealots give their life to aiur, when aiur doesn't give a shit bout them?
  6. What's in those stim packs anyway, that makes them go ahhh?
  7. How come interceptors don't run out of fuel when you recall the carrier all the way across the board, away from a battle?
  8. What is the zergling thinking anyway?
  9. When you get 2 templars together, why do they suddenly get philosophical on you? and...
  10. After being changed into Zerg, why is Kerrigan so pissed at everyone?
"Resitance is futile...for you, it works well enough for me."

Mac SC Announcements and New Info at Blizzards Page!
Blizzard has announced that there will be a Macintosh version of Brood War and that the Mac SC is nearing completion. Read about it here. They've also added a Profile on Kerrigan. And last, they have an Improved Tech Support section up. Thanks to Nukefest for this info :)

More on StarDraft
Here's the latest news from Camelot Systems.

Hello all... At least I'm keeping you guys busy with new (and I think cool) news:

Camelot Systems today has released a new version of the StarDraft FAQ to cover the Full Release and Demo versions. The new version has 60 common questions and their answers. All people seeking tech support should refer to this FAQ before contacting me for tech support (that way I get less emails to respond to - and more time per email to respond = higher quality tech support).

We've also released 10 new StarDraft/Arsenal screenshots. Two are from users who sent in pics of their games using the mods. The other 8 are of new features I discovered I can impliment today (they include cloaked marines and the like :)

Tomorrow I will be uploading the .dat file that made the changes you see in the 8 screenshots I took today.

King Arthur

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