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Starcraft News for Nov. 11th

New ICQ Version Out
If you haven't heard ICQ has released ICQ 99 alpha. You can download it here. Adds several new options and a lot of new sounds. I don't care for the typewriter sound when you are typing messages, (sounds cool at first but gets old real quick), but I'm sure these can be disabled somewhere...

Aeon of Strife Back On-Line
If you were reading SClegacy's SC Novel Aeon of Strife you'll be happy to know it's back up and they'll be adding new chapters on Mondays. Chapter One starts here.

King Arthur Interviewed
SC Abundance has interviewed King Arthur of StarDraft and Camelot Systems fame. Check it out here and see what makes him tick. I think you'll be surprised :)

Happy Veterans Day !
And to all the Veterans out there and the people currently serving in the military service, a very big Thank You :)

New Brood War Wallpapers!
Wow I must have missed this when I was sick :[ Blizz added some new Wallpapers, this time it's Computer Generated Art of the Corsair, Dark Archon, and the Devourer! You can grab them all here in the size you need :)

Antioch SCM
This week's new map, Tornod Flood Gates is up at The Official Antioch Chronicles Web Page in the SCM Creations section! It's a 96x192 Badlands map for 2-4 players. Give it a whirl.

RA Interview
All Games Network has a RA video up called Inside the PGL. It's sort of a news show about the PGL Quake and SC championships this weekend. It's kinda long (about 35 mins) but it's kind of cool also. One of the peeps interviewed is GX's Calbear! See the show here, it's was worth the peek. You'll need Real Audio to view it, you can get that for free here.

Blizz Invites Fans to PGL Finals
Blizz put out a press release inviting all the SC fans out to Club-i for the PGL finals this weekend. If you live around the San Fransisco area it sounds pretty cool. Bill Roper will be there demonstrating Brood War and giving away a free SC action figure to someone ( *gasp* could they afford that?? ). On a more tantalizing note, guests can also have the chance to win a framed Starcraft poster autographed by the development team, a Brood War beta, copies of Starcraft, t-shirts and more. If you can't go but are really into this whole PGL thing, All Games Network will be broadcasting the tourney live! Read the press release here and get the complete event schedule at the PGL site.

Brood War FAQ Updated
Blizz updated their Brood War FAQ. Check it out :)

Starcraft News for Nov. 10th

Stellar Forces Gets Frostbite
Blizzard got some cold revenge on Microstar, makers of the unauthorized SC add-on Stellar Forces yesterday. Microstar was in violation of the end-user license agreement and has agreed to immediately cease sales, destroy all remaining copies of Stellar Forces and pay Blizz an undisclosed amount. Bottom line, you can make it, you can distribute it, but you can't charge for it. Read the official press release here.

You Hate Muta's ?
Rob Pardo(EnoYls) and Shlonglor both made posts on Mutalisks and why they are what they are, will stay what they are and how to deal with them. If you hate them, these posts are for you. Rob Pardo's post. Shlonglor's post.

Free 3D Engine Released
Linux developers have publically released Crystal Space, a free 3D engine written in C++. It should run on various platforms, including Windows, Unix and DOS. Get more info on it here.

Graphics Accelerators
You want to upgrade but you don't know which one.. Well your in luck. PC Gamer has it's annual review up and it's a monster. Find out which one will give you the most for your money here.

Starcraft News for Nov. 9th

Make ICQ Connect Everytime!
Sometimes ICQ can drive ya nuts when it won't connect. Here's a page that lists alternate ICQ servers to try with directions on how to add them. Enjoy! Thanks to Aries for sending me this link :)

Latest Beta Email and Patch 1.03
Here's the latest Blizz email concerning the BW beta. It lists the changes in patch 1.03. I think the beta will be coming to an end soon since it also announces a BW Beta Championship Ladder Competition to start Nov. 11th. Since it's a rather long email I put it on it's own page here.

Arsenal 4.0 Open Beta
King Arthur has released Beta ver4.0 of Arsenal. This version supports Brood War and he's looking for people to try it out and send in bug reports. There will be limited tech support for it. Head over to Camelot Systems to download it and get more info.

New Brood War Screens
Shlonglor has been busy and put up new screens. I can't believe it but we're up to 42 shots now! You can check out the latest starting here. Shots 37-42

Lots of Updates at Blizz BW Page
Blizz updated their BW page to include animated portraits. Check em out here, just click the unit name, the portraits are on the popups. They've also put up a page that lists all the Patch Changes to BW so far, Unit Special Abilities (including spell ranges) and Unit Updates (includes all the changes to existing SC units as well) Pretty cool :) You can check them all out here. And lastly, they updated the map section to include enlarged views of the newly updated maps Winter Conquest, Foresaken Valley and Showdown.

Download Turbo Now
SCM of the Week
Blizz's latest scm, Turbo, was released Friday. It's a 192x192 Jungle world map for 2-8 players. This one's trigger driven (always fun in my opinion). Here's the teaser: Enlarged Map View

Originally designed as a means to test and observe the reactions of prospective battlefield commanders under rapidly changing battlefield conditions, the Arclite Turbo Simulator 2000™ has evolved into a way of life for a section of the military elite. The ATS2000™ duplicates a standard combat environment and then increases the tempo of combat to such a degree that even the most competent officers have trouble keeping up with the ever-changing tide of events. Commanders who can master this simulation will almost certainly be able to dominate their enemies once placed in normal battlefield conditions. Download it now! (127k)

Diablo II News
Blizz has posted new shots at the Diablo II page. There's nine in all, 3 each of the Amazon, Paladin and Sorceress. But what was really cool (least to me) was that if you put your cursor over the races pic, they animate :) Ok ok, it's been a long time since I checked the page out, but maybe you haven't seen it lately either :p You can see it all in the Image Gallery. Thanks for the info Tek7 :)

Worlds Fastest SuperComputer
"IBM delivered to the U.S. government the world's fastest computer, which can perform 3.9 trillion calculations per second -- 15,000 times faster than the average desktop personal computer." That's freekin fast! Read more here. So call me a techno geek.... I don't care :p Thanks for the info Aries

Barbie Beats SC
Ewww now this isn't pretty... Barbie actually beat out SC and Diablo in sales for the week of 10/18-10/24 according to PC Data. Scary isn't it?? Thanks to Aries for this info also.

Sight and Spell Ranges
Shlonglor made a post that gives the spell and sight ranges for SC and BW. Read it here.

Starcraft News for Nov. 4th

On Brood War
Shlonglor asked "Ignoring play balance arguments, how do you like Brood War so far?" It created quite a thread and it's a good read. You just have to sort through the non beta tester replies. Thread starts here. May I suggest Mutants, Agent911 and X-Virges posts. (but of course don't stop there)

Battlefield Communicator v1.0 Released
That little real time talk prog has finished it's beta trial and is ready for download at Shadow Factor. Get all the details at their site.

New Brood War Screens
Blizz put up some more BW screens. They're cool as usual and the new ones start here.

Diablo II Designer Diaries
Remember those? Gamespot's updated the section with an interview of Max Schaefer, co founder of Blizzard North and background art directror. This entry to the diaries cover "the level design process, the artistry and architectural elements of the environment design, and the way the programmers and artists work together to complete the random level generation." Read the article here.

Brood War: Why It Ain't Called 'Boo War'
This weeks GamesMania SuperFan Forum is an editorial on Brood War. It's written by Xiphoid, co-creator of the National Gaming League, and kinda gives his opinions on Brood War through the eyes of the forums and forum posts. You can read it here and post a response to the article also.

Finally Something to Laugh At
Shafes has opened an editorial section and the first little ditty is a sarcastic/tongue in cheek article by Ned Rhudy (Jæger) , entitled The Impacts that Brood War will have on the StarCraft Community. It's pretty funny :) Give it a peek here.

Action War Figure Shots
Extreme Starcraft scanned an ad in PCG for the action figures Blizz are making. Check out the Orc (can u believe the muscles on this guy, even Hercules would be jealous!). Here's the other side of the ad that has smaller pics of the other figures. The links for the scans are through SC Legacy cuz I couldn't get the ES shots to load properly. :\

This is Old :(
What can I say? I'm sorry!! SC Infoceptor has put up a sh*tload (scuse my language) of pics at the site. Well they did it 2 days ago but I just now got over there to see the post. If you haven't checked them out, do it here. The post is under the Nov 2nd news.

Lights Out
That's it for today guys. I'm sure there's more news out there but I'm sick and my my nice comfy bed is calling me.... "I'm coming fluffy!" *ugh* I'm talking to my bed... apparantly I'm delirious too :\

Starcraft News for Nov. 2nd

The Return of TechBase
No more cryptic messages. Gunslinger has re-opened the TechBase with an all new layout and new staff. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Auspex had joined the crew! They're looking for more to join, so if your interested now's your chance. The new layout is cool and it's great to have one of the oldest sites back up and running :) Check it out! Access it at the same bat-channel... Welcome Back TechBase :)

Antioch's SCM
Speaking of Auspex, you can grab his latest scm, Island of the Khalai, at the Antioch Chronicles site. It's a sprawling 256x256 Jungle World map for 4-8 players. Grab some friends and enjoy :)

HellDraft Beta
Camelot Systems is looking for people to beta test it's upcoming utility, HellDraft, for Diablo. If your interested head over to the site for more details.

New Brood Screens
Blizz added 6 new ones. The show starts here.

The New Beta Maps
Blizz added the new beta maps to their map page. You can print them out here. I wonder if they'll leave these in with the final release?

PGL Stuff
The PGL will be holding the Season 3 Finals Nov 12-14th. You can attend this live at Club-i, San Francisco's hot cybercafe, or tune in to the live webcast at Download everything early so you can catch the pregame show on Nov 8th. Yep, they said Pre-Game! This is starting to sound like football... talk about your armchair quarterbacks *yikes* Anyway, Bill Roper will be there and they're planning on some deathmatch stuff and some kind of BW demo. Get all the details at the PGL site. [news source - BGC]

It Ain't Easy Being Green
Least that's what Kermit says. In this case, it wasn't easy being white and brown so Blizz has replaced those player colors on the desert and snow tilesets with green. Enoyles explains all in this post. Man I can't believe something like this caused a large thread... If you just gotta see some green stuff, SC Org has this shot up of a green Protoss base along with some other greenies at the site.

Battle Report
Planet Starcraft has a Battle Report up on a game between Tom Brokaw and Blacklizard. They both played Terran in this one and Blacklizard cam out the victor. Read it here.

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