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(am I the only one that thinks this sux?)

Can we change the name on our acount??

On Mon Jan 19 14:03 PM, Smoke wrote:

Somewhere I think I heard that You cannot change your bnet account name. Why? This is standard stuff. That you can change the name and the password of your account as long as you have the current name and password.

Blizzard please make Bnet so we can change our aliases if we change clans or just want to change our names without loosing our records. Of course the new name would still have to not conflict with others on bnet but Don't make us start all over if we drop out of a clan, or join a new one, Or decide our alias is wimpy, or Would like to give up claim to an alias because everybody thinks we are someone else by that name.

Also please make it so that we can change our password. That's just simple security stuff. For when your little brother sets up the camcorder on your keyboard and grabs your pass.

Also I'd like to know if the Starcraft named accounts and the Diablo unique names are seperate or not. Like once diablo is patched could I register my account with diablo and then log in through starcraft?

Could I have a starcraft account with the same name?

Or could someone else with a starcraft account also have the same name as my diablo account?

Please answer Blizzard. Everyone else I'd rather you didn't "guess" at how it's going to be.. I can do that.

Smoke (CWAL) <*^*>

Blizz's answer


You probably won't be able to change your Starcraft ID and still be able to keep your record. You are urged to pick a name you'd like to keep, but, if you really want to change it, you'll have to start a new account. However, no matter what name you pick, as you use it and play with others, you'll probably like it more than like it less. And, instead of placing your clan initials in your name, you can place them in your personal profile (which you can change at any time), so there's no need to change your name when you switch clans.

I'll forward this to the team however, as well as your suggestion concerning passwords.

Diablo accounts will be different from Starcraft accounts, though you will not be able to have a Starcraft account with the same name as a Diablo account. Starcraft and Diablo players will be able to interact over, and this necessitates the use of unique names.

Regards, Pat N. (Blizzard)

Can we have Multiple Acounts??

On Fri Apr 24 Marcello M. wrote:

Can we have multiple accounts in i.e. I make an account then erase it to make another. then recall the old one?

Thank You for your time,
Marcello M.

Blizz's answer

Sure. You can create more than one account, and erasure of the old account is not necessary. You can have multiple accounts so if your son, daughter, wife, dog, cat, etc wanted their own account, they can have one!

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