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Protoss strategy

Protoss strategy

The Protoss are my favorite race, they dominate the beginning to late-mid game. In the end you can win too if you prepare for it. Start by assigning your probes to minerals (duh) and make probes till your psi is 8, then make a pylon followed by another probe. Make this last probe CTRL+0, and keep him around, not on minerals. Make 2 Gateways once pylon is finished. Then make 2-3 more probes and another pylon. Follow this with 2 Zealots. Make 4 more after than and attack the enemy now. While your Zealots are off, make a Forge. Then make cannons around your base everywhere, in case Dark Templar or Lurkers come. Now make a Cybernetics Core and 3 more probes. And make an Assimilator now, too. Once all that happens, make a Citadel of Adun and more Zealots/Photon Cannons. When the Citadel is in, make a Templar Archives. Save gas, so make more Zealots and cannons plus maybe 2 Dragoons. Now make as many Dark Templar as you can. Send them for the enemy Terrans, and retreat if they have Missle Turrets. Same with enemy Protoss if they have cannons. Now, think about expanding, where can I do it, how will I defend it etc. If your enemy isn't attacking you every 10-15 minutes, like you should be doing to him, don't overworry about expansion defense. I like just a fistful of Photon Cannons, but whatever you like. Now, you want to make High Templar and get Psi Storm. Now you may want to make a Robotics Facility and it's little sister buildings (Observatory and Robotics Support Bay). Reaver Drop is a good anti-expansion technique. And remember to harass then with Dark Templar and Reavers if they are vulnerable here or there. Some games I like to keep 4 Dark Templar in a shuttle, and 2 Reavers in another and fly around being a jerk to the enemy :) From here the game is really up to you. I like Dark Archon's Maelstrom vs. Zerg because it affects all their units. So keep at LEAST 2 High Templar and 1 Dark Archon, but I suggest twice that or more, but it really depends on alot of stuff. And with Protoss remember this incredible handy tip: USE COMMON SENSE. The enemy has alot of Dark Templar or Lurkers, get Observers etc.