Okay. *takes deep breath* All work on this page (with the exception of a few of the link banners) is originally done by myself or my friends and aquaintences. I even made the stupid buttons. Please please please PLEASE do not take anything with out permission and don't try and pass it off as your own. You'll burn in hell if you do. Also, if anything on my page should offend you, I ask nicely that you just leave and go look at something more exciting. And (I'm sorry, but I have to put this in), if you ARE offended by what you find on my site, then you have some severe problems! What's wrong with cute pictures and nice stories?!
So, I hope that we can all coexist nicely on my little site here. Many thanks for the visit and have a nice day. :)
OH!! Okay, actually, I just remembered something that may have a bit of a prickly edge to it. The Farm Hand song and Zippy, the Narcoleptic Reindeer are intended to be funny, not offensive. I hope that if you are a countryfied farm hand, that you can see the humor in the song. Also, I know that Narcolepsy is serious and not a laughing matter, but, c'mon! Life is too short to take serously!