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OK Now I don't want anyone getting offended because I left them out or anything..... I know who all my friends are , So if you aren't in here please don't get offended... I tried to put only the most recent photo's up ....

This is My cousin Randy......Well actually he is my uncle .... But we wont get into that ....He lives out in Gonzales .....Cool guy ???  of course he is ..... He is related to me !!!

     This Is Travis aka Tiger Rome... He is my half brother as well as best friend... Right now he is living with our dad and stepmonster in Orlando... God Help Him .... We don't see too much of him these days but when we do he looks like this  \/

This is my cousin Jack and his Wife Alejandra .... They were recently married back in the beginning of last year ....He is also one of my Best Friends !!!