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OK , what can I say I have allot of friends !!!

OK A little about these pic's ..... For those of you who don't
already know Carol is my MoM.... Anyway the first is
Of Carol & Glenn....... Glenn is mom's B/F and also a Good friend
The second pic well.... ok back around hmmm 01/20/01 a guy (one of only 2 to make it) went on the television show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
And well MoM just had to have a picture, after bumping into him at a party...
This is Barbara and Jonathan... They have been dating a couple months now and are both from Mississippi..... I was introduced to Jonathan in the beginning of December and right away I knew he would be a great friend...
We enjoy spending as much time as we can with these kids...
I am also waiting to hear more Hot Tub Stories .....

Here are a few fishing pic's the first is of a good friend .. Kevin , This was taken out in Lafitte back in August of 2000... The other is Glenn and I taken at the house after a productive Bass day in Bayou Gauche a couple years ago ....