Teenah's Homepage
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Teenah's Homepage

This Site is (supposed to become) frequently updated! Reload to be sure to get the most recent version of it!
I hope you will enjoy your stay, and come back to see me often!

Navigational and instructive page

This site has underwent some changes, and will hopefully be easier for You to use and for me to maintain.

I've left the "old stuff" basically as it was.
What's new is that I've restructured what will come.
As most guest probably already have figured out this is a site with what I call ramblings.
Sometimes the ramblings are more like a diary, in that I might just tell what has happened that day, and other times it can be more pondering thoughts than what is listing of actual events and happenings.
Have a look at the previous ramblings to get the idea!

The "new" structure was to consist of subdirectories for year and month, and under that the ramblings are in a HTML-document for each day.
Unfortunately, when I was about to upload my HTML-files I found out I'm not allowed to have any other subdirectory than "/images" here at Angelfire...
So I had to get back to the files and re-do them in another way than what I first thought.

Please, if you see any faults - let me know as soon as possible! Either through e-mail or sign the guestbook and let me know.

Today's date, May 9th 1999, would be found at the following URL:
But that particular document doesn't exist, that's why it isn't listed at the mainpage for May, 1999.

At the mainpage for each month only the dates that have content are listed.
That makes it easier finding the ramblings, though I guess some months will look a bit "thin"...

Here you can find Links to other sites
and if you click here you'll see the list of previous Rambling Thoughts!
Rambling thoughts of 1999.

Email: teenah@geocities.com

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