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"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!...
what we will be has not yet been made known."

1 John 3: 1-2

I love this passage... What a hope! What a privilege! Us? Children of God? It's almost too good to be true. And yet it's the truth all the same. By accepting Christ as Savior and asking Him to be the Lord of our lives, we have joined His family and become children of the God of the Universe and His most precious Son.

Last month we had Homecoming/Spirit week at my school. The senior girls (all 12 of them) were on the Homecoming court which was recognized at the Friday night basketball games. But one girl chose not to participate in the court. Why? For a combination of reasons, one of which was that she didn't feel the need to be "honored." She didn't know what she had ever done that was so special that she should be "recognized" for it. She didn't think she belonged in the special courtside seats, decorated and designated for the honorees. So she watched.

We can draw a parallel between this situation and the salvation we have in Christ Jesus. Though we have done nothing to earn it, nothing to deserve it, though we feel unworthy of His grace and mercy, we can receive everlasting life, love, and faithfullness through the tender sacrifice of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. By the shedding of His blood, we are made pure, white as snow (Isaiah 1: 18). By His willingness to die a death He did not deserve, a death like the criminal He is far from being, we are saved. By His love, we are forgiven, and through His devotion we are blessed.

Though the girl felt unworthy to sit in the place of honor among her classmates, as a believer in Christ and by God's grace, He will raise her up to be seated with Him.

How can you say "no" to this Man?

"But because of His great love for us, God, who is
rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in
transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised
us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus."

Ephesians 2: 4-6

Love in Christ, Jen
March 4, 1999

"Now this is eternal life: that they may know You,
the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent."

Jesus praying to God, John 17: 3

Today in economics class we brought up, once again, the "millenium bug" that's supposedly going to shut down the world in the year 2000. Now, I've not researched this topic at all and therefore do not have an opinion as to whether there's any truth behind the hype, but there's more. Some Christian leaders (such as ministers, etc.) believe that Jesus will be coming back in 2000. Now, Scriptures say that we won't know when Jesus will return and even that He'll come back when we least expect it, so no one's really sure. But the question we should be asking ourselves is... "If Jesus were to come back tomorrow, or even today, would I be ready?"

If you are already a believer in Christ, you are very familiar with the concept of salvation and how to be saved. But I'm going to speak mainly to the nonbelievers here. This is a dialog which was acted out in a chapel skit I saw a few years ago, to help illustrate the point:

The story: Mike and Michelle are best friends and have been for a long time. It's Friday night and they've just been out for coffee with a few other friends from school and now Mike is giving Michelle a ride home. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an out-of-control car skids and swerves into their lane of traffic and the two cars crash head-on. After a few minutes of utter silence, Mike and Michelle realize that they're no longer on earth, but standing in what appears to be an area of... nothing.

Mike: Michelle? MICHELLE? Where are you?
Michelle: Over here! Are you okay? Where are we?
Mike: I don't know... (realization occurs) Michelle... I think we're dead.
Michelle: I think we are, too... I'm scared, Mike. What's happening?
Mike: I don't know, but I'm here with you. It'll be okay.
Michelle: How can you know?
Mike: I don't. Just stay with me.

The two, holding onto one another, take a few hesitant steps in several directions, searching for... anything. They continue talking.

Mike: Michelle, what do you think happens to people like us?
Michelle: You mean, what happens to people when they die?
Mike: Yeah.
Michelle: (closes her eyes as she speaks, slowly)I know what happens.
Mike: Well, what?
Michelle: If you believe in Jesus and God, you go to heaven to be with Him. If you don't believe... you go to hell.
Mike: That's ridiculous! I've heard all those stories before, but they can't be...

As he speaks, a soft white glow appears to the right of where they stand. It grows in size to become a bright ray of light. To the left, a dull red glow appears. It grows only slightly, but gives off intense heat. What feels like a magnetic pull begins separating the two friends: Michelle moves a few inches to the right; Mike moves a few to the left.

Mike: (worried)Michelle... what's going on? Did you move?
Michelle: No, did you?
Mike: No. What's the red stuff? And that white stuff over there?
Michelle: I think it's heaven and hell, Mike. Are you a believer?
Mike: A believer in what? Jesus?
Michelle: Yeah.
Mike: I've never really thought about it... I guess not. Is it really that important?

They move a few feet in their opposite directions.

Michelle: Yeah, Mike, it is. It's the most important thing.
Mike: Thanks for the information, Michelle. If it's so important, why didn't you ever talk about it?
Michelle: I don't know... I guess I thought you just... Well, that you knew.

The two are pulled further and further away from each other, Michelle toward the white light and Mike toward the red glow. Mike begins to panic.

Mike: This can't be happening! I can't be going there! I need a second chance, I do! Michelle... Do you love me?
Michelle: Mike, you're my best friend in the world; I've always loved you!

They've reached the light and glow. Their voices are getting fainter, but Mike calls out one last question...


Wow... I always get chills when I see or even think about that skit. Frankly, it scares me. I think of people that I know, friends of mine, whom I profess to love and still haven't told about Jesus and how essential salvation is. For now, it's fine, sure. At this particular moment, they're all alive (to the best of my knowledge) and not in danger of dying... Or is one of them on the road right now? Maybe it's dark and there's a crazy driver... Maybe their brakes will fail...

I don't even want to think about it. But the point is, none of us ever knows when we'll die. And after death, there are no second chances. Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and the only one who can save us. The only one! No matter what you've accomplished, what you own, how you look or dress or feel; regardless of your talents, social status, or intelligence... If you haven't given your life over to Jesus, nothing really matters. For eternity, at least.

Jesus isn't asking for money. He's not a salesman you'd like to slam the door on. He's not a liar. He is the Truth. He's not leading you on. He always keeps His promises. He is the giver of life, peace, joy, comfort, true satisfaction, hope, redemption and forgiveness. What have you got to lose by trusting in Him? Better yet... What will you gain?

It's hard to express in words the greatness of the love Jesus has for us. You'll need to experience it for yourself. Just pray. If it's your first prayer or your hundredth prayer, God hears them all. Do it now... there is no reason to wait any longer and a thousand reasons not to.

"That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,'
and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead,
you will be saved... For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses all who call on Him, for
'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'"

Romans 10: 9, 12

Love in Christ, Jen
February 4, 1999

"...If God is for us, who can be against us?"
Romans 8: 31b

I love that. "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Really! Who CAN be against us?

Picture this: (keep in mind that I've never played soccer and I have no clue about how it is played other than people kick a ball around) It's a Saturday afternoon and a soccer game is going on in a neighborhood field. The two teams playing are the Believers and the Non-Believers. (Which team do you play for?) The Non-Believers, rough and tough, are showing no mercy to the largely outnumbered Believers. The Believers, after about an hour or so (a lifetime) of getting kicked around, are beginning to wonder how the game will turn out. Suddenly, from the bleachers emerges the Believers' Secret Weapon. The opposing teammembers look furtively at each other as the Weapon's shadow overtakes the field. They break into a run and head as fast as their legs will carry them in the opposite direction.

While this mental picture may seem a bit elementary, it really describes the scene on earth. The world (the non-believers) and the Christians (the believers) seem to be clashing with each other over just about everything. For teenagers, one of the biggest problems we face is peer pressure. The world says it's cool to drink and smoke and do drugs and have premarital sex. The world may even say that we're "dorky" if we don't, but who asked the world anyway? As believers, it matters only what God says. That's one of the coolest things about knowing Jesus. We don't have to worry about pleasing the world and making ourselves acceptable to society, a society as fickle as ours is. We only have to worry about pleasing God and His standards and expectations of us haven't changed at all in the past 2000 years. We've really been saved from quite a headache!

No matter what we, as believers in Christ, face, eternal victory is ours. That's already been guaranteed to us. We may lose a few battles along the way, but as a member of God's army, we will win the war.

"No, in all these things we are more than
conquerors through Him who loved us."

Romans 8: 37

Love, Jen
January 29, 1999

"Do not love the world or anything in the world.
If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

1 John 2: 15

Until recently I didn't love this verse, or this concept for that matter. I saw it as just one more rule. I imagined God's voice speaking those words sternly to me and Him getting angry if I enjoyed something "worldly" too much. I really thought it meant that I wasn't supposed to have anything nice... clothes, shoes, vacations, and that people who had nice things like fancy cars or large houses, were being sinful. I was convinced that God was just trying to make sure I didn't have any fun in life because all fun was evil. Boy, was I wrong!

I've come to understand, through various goings on in my life and by simply trusting God that He's not out to get me, that this "rule", if you will, is really designed for my own benefit. It's not God trying to make my life worse, but God trying to keep me from making my own life worse!

Firstly, the fact of the matter is (read the verse again, carefully), that if we truly love God, we won't have any desire to turn back to the world for fulfillment. Not only is the world unable to fill the void in our souls that Christ causes to be overflowing, but it has no interest in doing so. By looking around at society today, just about everything is geared around "wanting." We want to be popular in school so we have to wear certain clothes. Companies want us to buy their products so they can make money, so they make us feel like without whatever they're selling, our lives just aren't complete. The list of examples can go on and on. If we look to the world to satisfy our souls, we'll spend the rest of our days on a weary search that'll get us nowhere fast!

On the other hand, by looking to Christ to fill us, He will lead us to the stream of the water of life and we will drink, free of charge (Revelation 22: 17), and never be thirsty again. Now, we will not always be satisfied by life as the world isn't perfect and neither are we, but our souls may constantly be renewed, we will be led by the Great Shepherd, our hearts searched, known and loved anyway, and a room in His heavenly mansion prepared for us even now while we are still on this earth. Life isn't easy, but the love of God keeps us going.

Secondly (I'll speak for God a little bit here), God knows the number of our days. He knows the age of the earth and how much more it has yet to age before the end. He doesn't want us to waste our time here chasing after material possessions that we cannot take with us when we leave this world. He doesn't want our happiness to be based on a new home or a fancy hair cut. Those things will not last. What if there was an earthquake that split the house in two? Hair will grow again. The only thing that is forever and for certain, is the love of God. God, our loving and merciful Father, is protecting His children from misery and disappointment by commanding us not to love things of this world, but to love Him, the lasting Rock of all ages. Makes sense.

"The world and its desires pass away,
but the man who does the will of God lives forever."

1 John 2: 17

Love, Jen
January 13, 1999

"They will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might,
So that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations."

Psalm 145:11-13

Being a senior in high school this year, I've been thinking a lot about my "generation" and the impact it has on the world. I've been noticing how "young" Hollywood is becoming (teenagers, mostly my age) and how nearly every type of media, Newsweek and TIME excluded, is geared for teenagers. Teens, right now, have a huge impact on the world and especially on America. But what kind of impact are we having?

There was a commercial on the radio a few weeks ago that made a definite impression on me. It talked about why teens are always thought of negatively. The reason for this is that teens mainly only receive negative coverage. Rarely are they recognized for the wonderful things they also do.

God is a God of all generations. His power has not decreased with the ageing of the earth. As young people now, we can make a tremendous impact for Christ on the world that is giving us so much attention. In everything that we say and do, let us reflect the power of God, for He is awesome and deserves nothing less our best. Let's not do this to change the world's opinions about teenagers, but to point the world's attentions towards our most glorious Lord!

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity... Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers."
1 Timothy 3: 12, 16

Love, Jen
December 26, 1998

"I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"
Galatians 2: 21

I came across this verse last night while reading Galatians 2: 20, a great passage. At first I didn't think much about it, on account of its following a powerful verse and itself being the last verse of a chapter. But the suggestion that Christ may have died for nothing is a concept that warrants a closer look.

Did Christ die for nothing? Absolutely not! But at times we behave as though He may have. We sometimes forget that Christ's work on the cross was final and absolute. His sacrifice made salvation possible for anyone willing to believe. As mentioned in my previous entry, salvation cannot be earned or bought. It is a gift, and Jesus is no Indian giver. He won't take His gift back. Ever!

One thing that I struggled with for a long time and have only recently sought to correct, is the philosophy that if I'm a "good girl" I'm a good Christian. True, being good is part of what it is to walk with the Lord, for if we're truly in step with Him we'll want to do only things that please Him. However, that's not how salvation works. No matter how good I am or how righteous my life seems to be, if my relationship with Christ is weak, all I am is a good girl.

The concept of having a personal relationship with the Son of God is a bit intimidating at times, I must admit. And often the concept of it doesn't seem plausible. But no matter what our interpretations may be, Jesus shed His blood so that we may have a relationship with Him. Pure and simple. Just as a parent wants the best for his children, so the Lord wants the best for us.


Love, Jen
November 29, 1998

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast."
Ephesians 2: 8-9

One thing I can always praise Jesus for, even when I'm completely bummed out, is that I don't have to earn my salvation. I don't have to earn it, I don't have to be worthy of it, I don't have to have the right connections or credentials. I don't even have to pay for it! Because I'll tell you what... I'm not worthy of His grace. What on earth could I do to impress God enough to earn my salvation, and I certainly don't have the money to buy something so valuable! (Putting gas in my car is a stretch sometimes) But all I have to do is ask our wonderful Jesus to forgive me, and He will! And His love? I don't even have to ask for that.

Love, Jen
November 24, 1998

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor deamons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:38-39

You know, it's really nice to have the assurance of Christ's love. I find so many times in life that I'm worried about whether or not so-and-so will like/ love me anymore if I do this or if I say that. That's not really a fun way to live, but whoever said life has to be fun? I find it very comforting to know, however, that the God of the universe will love me no matter what, and that even if I do this or say that, I can still count on His love, mercy, and goodness. Praise the Lord!

Love, Jen
November 20, 1998
