JEN 101

Okay, this is where I give you a little shbeel about me. Anything you want to know or that I'm going to tell you anyway, can be found here. So, don't get too bored reading this, and... Bombs away!

NAME: Jenny
NICKNAMES: Jen-O, Jippy-Lu, Jenjen (most common)
AGE: 17
GRADE: Senior in high school! Countdown to May 28th, 1999 is on!
OCCUPATION: Student, camp counselor, babysitter, writer and novice musician (I sing and I'm learning guitar)

I'm SAVED, SAVED, SAVED by the blood of Jesus Christ!

LIFE ADVICE: What is right is not always popular; What is popular is not always right
FAV BIBLE VERSE: There are so many! I'll post a list of my favorites soon
* In an elevator... Punch all the buttons
* On the phone... Give minute by minute reports of what I'm doing right then
* In school... Talk and daydream. Learn? Ha!
* At work... Watch Veggie Tales with kids who laugh a lot
* At Christmas... Bake yummy food for people
* In the car... Sing with the radio
* In the mall... Hug trees while eating frozen yogurt
* In restaurants late at night... Make a scene
* In Shoney's whenever... Get chocolate sauce all over my face on purpose
* Any time... Make people laugh
* In Barnes and Noble... Walk around and point out every book I liked as a child
* At home... Write, play music and watch TV
* In the shower... Sing and wash my hair
* At other people's houses... Wander around and look lost
* In the newspaper attic with Jennifer until 1 am... Act like nobody's watching
* On mIRC... Tease people and have food fights
* On ICQ... Call people "ewes" (I started that, by the way!)
* On playgrounds... Go on the swings
* At the beach... Play in the sand
* At the pool... Float around in the deep end
* Backstage at a theatre... Goof around without being heard by the audience
* At the movies... Talk really loudly, laugh, be stupid and play snake around the aisles
* In Mr. Daghir's class... Travel
* In Dr. Mills' class... Poke fun
* Coming home from somewhere late at night... Drive around and listen to Delilah (a radio show)
* When I've been sitting in the same position too long... Stretch my legs and crack my back
* When people stare at me... Wiggle my nose
* When babies cry... Do my chicken impression
* When I do vocal warm-ups... Sing with the One Fine Day soundtrack
* When I read the Bible... Read out loud to myself and explain everything as if I were talking to another person
* When I write poetry... Read it back to myself over and over
* When I can't think of anything to say... Ask a random question
* When I can't think of anything else to put on my bio page... Give up :)

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