<BGSOUND SRC="/wv/kickasssound9/wavs/HaveYourself1.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>


...featuring Tam (Vibrato), Julie (Insane), Sue (Octobergirl), Rod, Trish (Austblonde), Eamon, Kevin (Kebby), Carole (Ccaz), Lou (TB), Me (Toos), Darren, Jimmy (Adin LOL) and last but not least Dolly (SANTA CG).....

...we all were invited along to the "Spot The Dog" CD launch ( Lou's sisters band )in Brisbane...unbeknownst to us CG decided to turn it into a "Chat Christmas" armed with a smile on her face and arms full of gifts...I want to dedicate this page to Dolly and on behalf of everyone THANK her so much again for the wonderful gifts...to see the smile and surprise on everyones faces was MAGICAL...she represents the Christmas Spirit we all know and love...
HUGSSS Dolly !!!!

..the night's a-swaying in a symphony of stars
..the open road's a sideshow of shooting stars
(all my love)Ella..Michael Spiby/Badloves

...oooh Aust where is that hand going???LOL
..that's my Lavender scented fairydown pillow CG gave me that we are hanging on to!

...magical smiles !

...Tam and I at my home..Friday night..ok ok I do have the same clothes on but I did wash them
...oh man had the heaviest weekend ok forgive me :P