Had to rename pages some guys didn't think they fitted into the category and wouldn't let me be the best judge of that, so to appease you all the name change.
A Hunk: My definition..isn't always the way they look, it's made up of their personalities, thier caring and sensitive ways and they have to make me smile.. am happy to say ALL the guys that grace these pages are all of those things and more.
...oh and a cute butt helps ;)...

OK girls here he is....now give the guy a break...and lets get on with fun in chat.
You'll also find levis on my friends page,he has been a dear friend for a while now and always will remain my buddy..LOL..though we do argue a lot...he forgives me for that shit. As always levis last word. :)~

Ahhh Simee my special surfing buddy keeps us all amused and confused with all of his 92 names he has ...don't know how he keeps up with all those pagers...I always know Sime has logged on he spams my screen with all his names....can be a nightmare with his constant boots.

Well I don't know Brun but she must be one special lady to put up with this hunk,coz I know for a fact if I didn't write something great about him he'd haunt me, tries to trick me with all his name changes too but have been 'round Simee too long you can't trick me with name changes Sam ;).Sam made me rush this pic on here for the late edition ....I'll comment later Sam..LOL

Not sure if this hunk is available or not but I do know there are a couple of special girls I know personally who drool over his pic...for the right price I'll tell ya Prim mate.
P.S. Not sure if they like you smiling over the dead Bambi though Prim...;)

AVAILABLE Sorry girls ..no Nick's not a chatter in fact his names not really Nick either ...meet Eric a personal buddy of mine 26 very single...and if your a Blonde bimbette that shows a lot of skin when you go out, you might stand half a chance of a date ..LOL...call me if you fit the description though he may be booked for months. And dont even ask what I was trying to do to him in that pic LMAO was too drunk don't remember, but am glad someone took that kodak moment.

AVAILABLE Here we have Bluesy single 39 from Montgomrey Alabama..pager#...you'll have to ask...sings the blues loves dirty dancing and WOMEN and WOMEN and more WOMEN...and is one of my coolest buds on here...have known Bluesy for way over a year now...love ya bluesy...mmmmm

Who the hell cares if the pic is real or not...we have had soooo much fun in yahoo these past couple weeks over it huh Groove!!! You're a good sport and a special friend :).
Oh I'm sorry girls did my butt get in the way :-Þ
Thanks to the gorgeous Mrs Groover for giving permission
to let me have this pic taken.
Damn Juky I asked you to move!!!
Finally no-one in the way..yes we had to tie him up to snap the pic he seems to be enjoying it though don't you think. Finally get you back for the slowly fading bruises on my butt dude!!!
Ya sweetheart!
P.S. you'll also find the real life Mrs.Groover on my hussy page.