Hi there welcome to my online friends page
If you would like to be included on this page by photo or just by name please contact me through email or icq.

"Yep this is me ~Too~ and ~wally_f_31~ taken October '98"
Wally and I finally made it to Sydney I had to see the Harbour Bridge she had to revisit Watsons Bay pub
as you can see we both got what we wanted
Thats the face she makes when I say something stupid ...so she always looks like that to me.
"Yes the rose between the thorns, Sydney will never be the same"
I'd first like to introduce you to the guys from "the gong"(Wollongong) that came up to Sydney to meet up with us
~cheeky_gigi~ ~Kaz~ ~samhain00~ ~g2bking~(macca)

What a smile no wonder she's called ~cheeky~
What a woman no wonder everyone loves her
Man you think I'm bad you should spend a day with ~gigi~
~gigi~can put her lippy on without a mirror I admire any woman that can do that
If I tried that (and mind you I did once)lippy would end up all over my face....not a pretty sight I can tell ya

~Kaz~ and ~gigi~ work together OMG imagine that
Look at that sweet face but don't let it fool you she spends more time in the U.S. than here visiting online buddies
~Kaz~ and I have vowed to do a U.S. run together...LOL.. 52 states in so many days, visiting online buddies haha you'll be sorry you guys whoever invited me to visit so take back your invites now.
But we'd have a blast!

~sam~ the epitomy of the word "cutemiester" a sweeter guy I'll never meet.
~sam~ helped me through the the agonising days of building my Halloween pages, and who else would...his name depicts the Holiday.
Love your dry wit ~sam~ thanks for all your encouragement

~g2bking~ (macca)
Well ~macca~ have left you 'til last what do I say about this guy...he's an absolute scream had us in stitches all day..sorry you couldn't spend more time with us...though I don't think my body could've taken much more laughter.
~macca~ lost a bet playing online backgammon with ~wally~ he had to stand on a chair in the pub and recite a piece from MacBeth, it was at that point his acting qualities came through..."you never did finish that piece ~macca~ hope your acting career goes better and make sure that when you appear on 'Australias Most Wanted' it's only coz you're acting."
Thanks for the laughs ~macca~ and teaching me to speak with an Irish accent it helps me deliver my jokes with authenticity, you're a legend.

The pub across the road from our hotel
The only time ~wally~ didn't have a glass in her hand, coz she was taking the pic.

Well they did say a pub crawl ....didn't they?

Finally made it to the next pub ~The Orient Hotel~ and ~macca~ is STILL making me laugh.

Look finally got to see the ~Opera House~ though maybe I shouldn't have had my back to it might've seen it better.LOL

~wally~ picking up a couple of 20 year olds for us at the ~Ettamoga Pub~..."which one was mine again ~wally~?"

I whinged and whinged 'till I got a room with a spa bath...well I got what I wanted again..."sucked in look how small it was"
Well that's enough of Sydney will take you on to ~Conrad Jupiters Casino~ on the Gold Coast where ~wally~ and I live where we partied with ~austblonde~ and ~ccaz~.
Thanks you guys for making it a most memorable holiday.