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TOUR DATES 1976-1981

Monday February 28th,  the Stud, 1533 Folsom, San Francisco, CA
CRIME produced a poster featuring Adolf Hitler to promote this show.  The controversy caused the Stud (a bisexual bar) to reputedly pay CRIME $100 NOT to play.  The hiatus also caused Bill Graham to bar CRIME from ever playing at Winterland.
October 31st 1976 Old Waldorf, 444 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA
Other acts unknown
Advertised as "gay halloween".  CRIMEs’ first show.  The band managed to blast their way through about 5 songs before Jeffery Pollack, the owner of the Old Waldorf, pulled the plug during a riotous version of "Murder by Guitar".

January 10th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
Other acts unknown

“Rock ‘n’ Roll Enemy #1” and “Pregnant and Punished” from this show appear on the “Hate Us or Love Us We Don’t Give a Fuck” LP.
January 19th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco CA
Other acts unknown
Reputedly CRIMEs second show.  This date may have been confused with the January 10th show at the same venue and may not actually have taken place.
March 2rd 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco CA
supporting Blondie

March 3rd 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco CA
supporting Blondie

March 4th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco CA
with Punk

March 16th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco CA
supporting the Nuns

Thursday April 21st 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco CA
supporting the Damned

Although promotional material was produced for this show, CRIME did not appear that night.  It is unknown whether the Damned show went ahead or not.
Monday May 9th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with Novak
This show was Hank Ranks’ first exposure to CRIME.  An announcement was made at the end of the show that CRIME were looking for a new drummer.  A few days later Hank Rank mailed a postal application to join CRIME on drums despite not actually owning or, for that matter, ever having played the drums.  Application accepted.

Saturday June 18th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with the Skid Marx
Flier 1 and Flier 2

Two posters were produced for this show. One advertised the 'soon to be released' new single "Frustration" b/w "Murder by Guitar" and included the picture of the band, with Brittley Black, featured on the back of the 2nd single.  The alternative "tank" poster may have been produced as Brittley had left the band by this point.
July 4th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with the Avengers

August 4th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with Novak

August 5th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with the Avengers

September 15th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with the Dils

September 16th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with the Dils

This show appears on the “Terminal Boredom” LP with terrible sound quality.  An earlier generation copy of the show was released on the “Hate Us or Love Us We Don’t Give a Fuck” LP, although the sound quality was not greatly improved.
December 7th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with the Avengers and the Liars

Sat December 17th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with the Dils, UXA and a Sex Pistols video setup

Sunday December 18th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
special matinee performance at 3 pm.  Other acts unknown.

Monday December 26th 1977 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
advertised "with special guests" - identity unknown

Saturday February 4th 1978 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco CA
with the Zeros

February 16th 1978 The Keystone, Berkeley, CA
with Novak and Tuxedo Moon

Friday March 10th 1978 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco CA
with the Sleepers and Tuxedo Moon

June 6th 1978 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco CA
other acts unknown

It is possible that CRIME played 2 sets on this day as 2 recordings with the same date exist

Saturday June 24th 1978 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
other acts unknown

July 3rd 1978 Stardust Ballroom, Los Angeles, CA
supporting the Screamers and the Weirdos

As far as anyone can tell this was the first CRIME show outside of San Francisco.  Video footage of this CRIME performance is known to exist.
Thursday 31st August 1978 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
other acts unknown

Friday 1st September 1978 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
other acts unknown

Monday September 4th 1978 San Quentin Prison, San Rafael, CA
other acts unknown

CRIME took part in a show for the inmates of Q.  Allegedly, when a “white” band played, the black inmates left the recreation yard and vice versa.  When CRIME took to the stage dressed in regulation SFPD uniforms almost everybody left.  The few remaining “spectators” amused themselves by throwing rocks at the dancers in front of the stage.  In a publicity coups, CRIME received more media attention for this performance than at any other time.  Video footage of this CRIME performance is known to exist.
Saturday October 7th 1978  Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA

October 31st 1978 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with Pearl Harbor & the Explosions, Dead Kennedys and the Next

December 8th 1978 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
other acts unknown

December 9th 1978 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
other acts unknown

Friday February 2nd 1979 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with VKTMS and the Situations

The poster for this show was used for the cover of Ugly Things #14, and in part on the front cover of the "First Blood" 7 inch.
Sunday 25th March 1979 Troubador 9081 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA

Monday 26th March 1979 Madame Wong's 949 Sun Mung Way, Los Angeles, CA

Tuesday 27th March 1979 Squeeze's Place 3524 Main Street, Riverside, CA

Wednesday 28th March 1979 Vanguard Gallery 1317 West 7th St, Los Angeles, CA

With the band packed into a van and a bus load of hardcore fans in tow this series of four dates in southern California became the infamous "Funbus Tour".  The band and entourage set up camp at the Tropicana Motel in Hollywood before wreaking havoc on the City of Angels.  CRIMEs preceding reputation got them barred from appearing at Madame Wong's.  CRIME were also interviewed by the legendary Rodney Bingenheimer for KROQ, Pasadena, Los Angeles.

Friday 21st April 1979 The Bird, 107 Spring Street, Seattle, WA

Saturday 22nd April The Bird, 107 Spring Street, Seattle, WA

Saturday May 12th 1979 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with the Mutants

September 7th 1979 the Boarding House, San Francisco, CA
with Buddy Holly Jnr

September 8th 1979 the Boarding House, San Francisco, CA
with Snakefinger

October 31st 1979 Bimbos
with the Weirdos

CRIME attempted to “go one better” than the Mabuhay Gardens by booking Bimbos, a swanky supper club, for an alternative Halloween shindig.  Despite having their old friends the Weirdos in tow, and advertising slots on local top 40 radio, ticket sales and attendance were poor.

Just after October 31st 1979 Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA

Return show at the Mabuhay Gardens to save face after the Halloween night fiasco at Bimbos.

Sunday May 4th 1980 Savoy Tivoli
with the Mutants, Soul Rebels, Factrix and C'est la Guerre

Benefit for Target Video.
Friday November 21st 1980 Berkeley Square
with VKTMS and the Witnesses

1980 Unknown date Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA

CRIME were recorded live by Terry Hammer for a radio broadcast.
Reported sightings

November 17th 19?? Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
KUSF benefit

This poster was produced by Pamella Roma and not by the band.

Saturday September 22nd 19?? the Filmore, 1839 Geary Street, San Francisco, CA
supporting the Dils, with the Weirdos and the Go Go's

February 17th 19?? Deaf Club, 530 Valencia at 16th, San Francisco, CA
with VS, V.I.P.$ and the Blowdriers

Friday 13th 19?? Mabuhay Gardens, 443 Broadway, San Francisco, CA
with the V.I.P.$

June 2nd & (June 9th?) 19?? Jerry's Stop Sign, 10th and University, Berkeley, CA
other acts unknown

Friday February 8th 19?? The Palms, location unknown
other acts unknown

Saturday February 9th 19?? X's Annex, location unknown
other acts unknown

Friday December 21st 19?? The Palms, location unknown
other acts unknown

Saturday February 23 19?? Berkeley Square, Berkeley, CA
with VS. and Target Video

Sunday February 24 19?? Berkeley Square, Berkeley, CA
with VS. and Target Video

1978 Unknown date Venue unknown

Fund raiser against the Briggs anti-gay initiative (Prop. 6, 1978).  The first and last time CRIME took a political stand for or against any issue.
Unknown date Old Waldorf, San Francisco, CA (opening for the Ramones)

Unknown date Old Waldorf, San Francisco, CA (opening for Ultravox)

Thrusrday May 21st 19?? The Stone, San Francisco, CA
other acts unknown