Universe 101
For all you people out there that want to know the secrets to the universe. Well you've come to the right place. I have devoted a lot of time into this page so I can teach someone out there something about the universe. The hole thing starts with the big bang theory. Most scientist beleive that the universe was created with one great explosion in space. One way scientist can prove this theory is because everything in the universe is moving away. That means all the stars, galaxies, and plants are moving away from each other. Now in the rest of this page I will go over everything there is from galaxies to planets to stars. I hope you all enjoy my page and be sure to make a link to it for me.
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For all you people out there that have seen the site that looks just like this one, but with a different e-mail address. Don't worry both of the sites are mine, I'm just having problems with the new e-mail on that page so I've copied it to this one.
Email: escape01@rocketmail.com