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This story's getting cool,keep it up!! Thansk alot STRAIGHTFROMALBERTANE

"Zac,Taylor and Isaac everybody! HANSON!!"A voice called as the three brothers ran out onto the set of MUSIC CONNECTION, to a sea of screaming fans.

"Hey!"Taylor immediatley called, waving to the crowd.

"How are you all doing??"Isaac asked as he situated himself at the edge of a bright red couch next to Taylor.

"Isaac,Taylor,Zac, How are you?"The Host,Heather,asked.

"Great!"Zac provided, sitting on the arm of his matching red chair.

"Well, Zac's great! Do you do that at home Zac?"Heather asked, watching him carefully.

Zac broke into laughter and answered her."Nope."he grinned at her and showed no sign of sitting regularly.

"Oooookkaaayyyy."Heather drew out, before focusing her atttention on the two older boys."I hear you're going on tour soon, when is this beggining??"

"I believe...the beggining of June."Isaac answered.

"I do believe you are right Isaac."Taylor added in a funny english accent, causing everyone to laugh.

"Ok, so, for the people watching at home who don't have the slightest idea who you are..why don't i ask a few simple questions."Heather began.

"Why don't you??"Zac challenged her.

Heather just laughed and continued on."So, how old are you all?"

"OH!Ummm...This is not so easy!!"Zac cried, thinking hard."Umm...i was born one sooo...i'm..i'm.."

"You're 12 Zac."Taylor provided.

"Oh! Thats it!!"He cried.

"and i'm 17 and Taylor's 15."Isaac quickley finished.

"Finally."Heather looked relieved."SO, How long have yo been singing??"

"Don't mind Zac, hes just really hyper right now."Taylor replied."Since Zac was five."

"That young? Wow."Heather answered, shocked."So, you guys gonna play for us now??"

"Yep."Zac answered, flipping his blonde hair away from his face.

"We're gonna play Mmmbop."Isaac finished.

The three boys sang the song quickley and were treated to an explosive applause as they exited the stage area.

"That was boring."Zac observed once they were alone in their dressing room.

"yeah, i guess so."Taylor answered, popping open a can of Dr Pepper and guzzling it down.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Taylor shot up and opened it.

"Oh no-"We're the last words out of his mouth before----(ME!!)

A group of screaming girls suddenly rushed in the room, attacking Taylor.

Isaac and Zac glanced at eachother and They both immediatley rushed into another room as taylor was squished between at least thirty girls, who were all grabbing at him and pulling his hair out at the roots.

Minutes later Zac and Isaac ran out of that same room, followed by five buff men wearing green Hanson t-shirts. The security guards pulled the girls away and when the last one was kicked out of the dressing room, and the door securley locked, taylor stood up feebly.

"You Ok Tay?" Zac asked worridly from where he sat slumped in a chair.

"I dunno yet." He answered, blinking his eyes several times and reaching up to feel his matted hair. "They pulled out some of my hair! OUCH!"

"yep, hes fine!" Isaac concluded, walking over to him. "Tay, they really did a number on you!" Isaac examined his shirt, where there were so maly holes it wasn't really a shirt anymore.

"Damn! They didn't ruin those skin tight pants though!" Zac cried looking at the good-as-new pair of blue leather pants. "But they stole a shoelace!" Zac collapsed laughing.

"Oh my god! Look!" Taylor shouted as---(HighonHITZ)

Zac reached down and picked up a chunk of hair that seemed to be once attached to Taylor's head. "Gross!" He shouted throwing it into a garbage can.

"Ouch." Taylor commented, rubbing his head. He then left to go change into another shirt.

Something in the center of the floor caught his attention adn he casually went over and picked it up. "What is it Zac?" Isaac asked, taking his attention away from the TV.

"Nothing!" Zac shouted, jamming the object into his pocket, he decided that he'd inspect it later.

Only when Zac was alone in his room did he remember what he had stuffed into his pocket. He slowly pulled a peice of paper out of his pocket and unfloded it. Written on it was a simple message. "I'll be back." What was this supposed to mean? Zac shrugged it off and threw it into his garbage.

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