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Zac's Info

fullname: Zachary Walker Hanson

nick name: Zac

b-day: October 22, 1985

age: 12

birthplace: Arlington, Virginia

height: 5'2"

zodiac sign: libra

eyecolor: hazel brown

hair color: blond

instruments played: drums, cassenettes

fave subject: math, literature, history

fave color: blue

hobbies: rollerblading, cartooning

fave food: Jell-O

fave show: Animaniacs,

shoe size: 8

song he sang from the album: Lucy

worst habit: likes to crawl over his brothers and bangs on things

fave actor/inspiration: Bob Dylan

fave ice cream flavor: chocolate


--wrote most of the lyrics of Man from Milwauke

--wants to get a puppy for his first pay check

--could talk while burping

--wears earplugs at almost every preformance because he hates the screaming.


--"People often assume that the tapes were our parents' music that we just happened to listen to,actually, that music was before their time too!"

--"We would make up simple tunes to guitar and sing around the table."

--"If everybody liked it, it would be on thwe album."

--"This lady came up to us and was like 'Hows your sitcom going?'and were like 'what sitcom? where?"

--"I just kinda got left in it."

--"i feel so loved."

--"There the snakes that when they get really big, the'll get huge, and the'll choke you. And then the'll eat you."

--"We would have a problem."
