Quotes- Anywhere and Everywhere!
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Quotes- Anywhere and Everywhere!

This is my quotes page. Just so you know, if I hear something that sounds good, I consider it a quote. That makes it very hard to trace where I get my quotes. Sometimes I get them from posters, books, tests, poems, songs- in other words anywhere and everywhere! Well, I will try and cite my sources, but some I have no clue where I got the quote from. Sometimes I did know, but the time it took me to write the quote down, the where I got it has drifted from my brain. I really do have a highly selective memory. Anyway, here are some of the quotes that I love and I hope you love them too! Also, some of these quotes are in Latin. I'm not going to translate what the quotes mean. All I can say is, find a Latin book and look these quotes up. They are fairly popular. If the meaning is driving you crazy, mail me and I'll tell you what they mean.
Note: Don't expect any of these quotes to impact your life. I'm not living by all of them, so I see no reason why you should. If anything, these quotes are just phrases that stuck in my mind long after I wanted them to disappear. Sometimes, they mean something, sometimes not. The only thing these quotes should be able to tell you is the type of person that I am.

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Infinite diversity in infinite combinations. (IDIC)-- Star Trek poster

Live long and prosper.-- Star Trek poster

Having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting; it is not logical but it is true.-- Star Trek poster.

Enemies are often invisible-- like Klingons, they can be cloaked.-- Star Trek poster

When your logic fails, trust a hunch.-- Star Trek poster

Even in our own world, sometimes we are aliens.-- Star Trek poster

When going out into the universe remember: "Boldly go where no man has gone before."-- Star Trek poster

"When it comes to affairs of the human heart, it is best to overlook logic"-- said by Tuvok in "Course: Oblivion" on Star Trek: Voyager

There comes a time in our lives when we must take flight and try our own wings.-- poster

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things."-- Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."-- said by Sherlock Holmes, character by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"Tomorrow is also a day."-- said by Luis Mendoza, character by Dell Shannon

"What do think? What do you know? What can we prove?"-- said in the docudrama And the Band Played On

The truth is out there-- from The X-Files

Trust no one.-- from The X-Files

Those who relive the past are condemned to repeat it.-- from The X-Files

The brave are always the first to die.-- said by Magneto, from The X-Men (animated series)

I'm Lost--
I've gone to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, please ask me to wait.-- poster

I know who I am, and who I may be, if I choose.-- at the beginning of Don Quixote, by Manuel Cervantes in the Norton Anthology of World Literature

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was.-- poster

None of us can choose where we will love.-- from the novel Phantom

Friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world.-- poster

Everybody needs somebody.-- poster

Dreams can take you where you want to go.-- poster

Don't hurry-
Don't worry-
And don't forget to smell the flowers.-- poster

Logic is like a wreath of pretty flowers that smell bad.-- said by Mr. Spock during "I, Mudd" on Star Trek(OS)

The direct approach is sometimes the best approach.-- Garfield poster

"Tomorrow is a fresh day with no mistakes."-- said by Anne in Anne of Avonlea

We come from darkness and to darkness we must return.-- said in the novel Phantom

It's only when we realize how much we don not know that the true understanding begins.-- poster

Courage is not the lack of fear; rather it is the overcoming of it.-- standardized test

Surgeons know nothing but do everything. Internists know everything but do nothing. Pathologists know everything and do everything, but too late.-- from Robin Cook's Godplayer

Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned,
Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.-- from The Mourning Bride[1697], act III, sc viii by William Congrave

Occasionally, you have to go back to the beginning and see everything in a new way. Occasionally, there are powerful reasons why you can't or don't want to do that.-- unknown

There are things it might be better not to know.-- unknown

One can become many and many can become one. It's all in how you go about it.-- from Bruce Coville's My Teacher Flunked the Planet

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.-- from Dante's Divine Comedy; (thanks Daniel!)

Sooner or later you learn the difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.-- from the poem Comes the Dawn

Until you do what you believe in, you don't know whether you believe it or not.-- Leo Tolstoy

VENI VIDI VINCI-- said by Julius Caesar

E. PLURIBUS UNUM-- it's on the dollar bill

CARPE DIEM-- it's everywhere

ARS LONGA, VITA BREVIS-- where I got it isn't the original source of the quote

HIC LOCUS EST UBI MORS GAUDET SUCCURERE VITAE(This place is where death rejoices to come to the aid of life)-- off the autopsy room door at the Medical University of South Carolina

POTEST ESSE NUR UNUS-- Highlander: the Series fans can guess the meaning of this. . .

Email: Freak's Mail

But during the summer Capt. Freak