writing this for a friend who doesn't dream anymore.

Sharing Dreams

hello my friend,
my dear friend,
i hear u don't dream anymore,
so u say,
dreams are important,
as i see it...

sense u don't dream,
share some of mine,
cuze i've got lots of dreams,
u can use,
that i offer to u...

i have dreams of warriors,
and of the ocean side,
of pretty rainbows,
and sunshine,
and a bubbling brook,
places to see and places to hide,
of romance,
and happiness,
and adventure too...

so my friend,
my dear friend,
come with me,
and see,
that there is always room for dreams,
at anytime in your life,
so come with me,
u will see,
its worth the journey,
and u might find your smile...
written by Gregg on March 18, 2000

Email: wolfeyden@yahoo.com