my opinion on my poetry
My Stuff
i can't write,
i think my stuff is crap,
and not worth anyone's time,
to stop and read it,
but the ones who do,
say its good,
i wondered why for some time,
i think i might have grasped it,
the answer.
what i write is me,
all of me,
my heart,
my mind,
my soul,
my body,
and its truthful,
from my point of view,
not a bunch of bullshit,
made up in some fake person's,
fake views on life,
but its me,
for real,
exposed to the world,
and my readers,
my readers say its good.
meybe its true what is said about artists,
an artist is his own worse critic,
must be true,
i can't write,
its just my stuff,
on life...
written by Gregg on June 21,1998