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Evolution Premiere with David Duchovny
Sydney, Australia 14/06/01

On June 14, 2001 I was lucky enough to see David Duchovny at the Evolution premiere here at George Street Cinemas in Sydney, Australia...

He was due at around 6:30pm and I lined up at around 3pm saving spots for my friends. There were only about 25 people at that time. My friends eventually arrived within half an hour, Kim's husband with his Handycam!

A few people had pushed in, but luckily we remained up the front of the barriers towards the end of the red carpet where the celebrities walked into some sort of media room. A few people around me had brought posters of David along for him to sign, but no one knew IF he was going to sign anything in the first place. We were wondering what celebrities were going to be there, and jokingly mentioned people like Bardot, Scandal'us and Human Nature. I kept telling my buddies that if Simon was going to be there (only because he's cute!) I was so going to stalk him!

There were some really cool crowd motivators there handing out promotional stuff like posters, stickers, masks, helium balloons, the Evolution book and Evolution passes. Me managed to scab a few but not enough

Of course, the media was there and I'm a bit media-phobic (I HATE seeing myself on TV) so I was trying to avoid all the cameras but it was a bit hard to.

At about 6:30pm, celebrities started arriving, mostly Home and Away people (sorry, I don't watch it, so I don't have any photos of any cast members), Hi-Five (I saw a guy who looked familiar, so I took a photo of him, and it wasn't until five hours later, I realized that it was Tim from Hi-Five), Melissa Tkautz, Rowena Wallace, Ben Tari and Joy Smithers from All Saints, Jackie O, etc. All these other unknown people were there as well - probably critics. Then they mentioned that Daniela and Simon from Scandal'us were going to be there and of course, I got mocked my Louise and Will...

I'm not really a huge fan, but I would like to point out that Daniela is THE nicest person, she was nice to all the fans who wanted photos and autographs from her and was thanking everyone. What was embarassing for me was that Anna was there (the girl that got the singing contract) and I went to take a photo of her (it was a good opportunity since she was standing right in front of me and was talking to me) but my camera didn't click...I apologised but then the others came along and people were already asking for autographs. Daniela was asking if there was a bin around (on red carpet?!) because she had rubbish and there were no bins, and so Louise casually goes "Give it here, I'll dispose of it" haha. So Louise ended up with the popstar's rubbish. Then Simon was ahead and somehow Will got his attention and they "forced" him to get a photo with me (REALLY) and they grabbed the camera (which was around my neck) and I think Simon thought I was going to get strangled or something, so he's like "Wait! It's around your neck" but they took it anyway and after we were blinded by the flash, he agreed that it was a bit too close...

It was being broadcast by and some hyper DJ's told us that around, hmm, 7:30pm David Duchovny was only 15 mintues away. 15 minutes later, they told us that he was just around the corner. I was thinking about things to ask David if I had the opporunity to ask him a question, or just talk to him. I came up with "Do you realize we're missing out on the X-Files just to see you here?" ('Alone' was airing that night). We asked the officials if he was going to be signing autographs, but they said DD was just going to go there and he was going to do whatever he wanted. The DJ's then told us that when we heard 'Play that Funky Music' (which I thought was so appropriate after his Camp Paula Abdul appearance on Saturday Night Live) that meant that David was there.

So at about 8:30pm, he FINALLY turns up, and after several competition winners got to ask some questions - the funniest being "Do you wear boxers or briefs?" in which David responds "I have access to both, actually" - he talks to the media, then takes his time signing autographs. The first thing I noticed was that his hair seemed lighter, and kept saying he had put highlights in it, or the top was dyed. As he was coming around the corner everyone wanted to see what he was wearing and I kept hoping it was going to be a Mulder suit (I know he's not Mulder, but I think he looks good in a Mulder suit ) But he was just in a plain white shirt and a black suit. He spoke to Terry Hill from the Footy show, posed for some photos and went back to the fans.

We were quite happy that David was signing a lot of things and taking his time through the carpet, I don't think anyone expected him to actually take his time. The girl next to me was asking us which photo she thought would be good for him to sign and we all agreed on the one where he's wearing a tuxedo and he's blowing a kiss. Louise kept joking about grabbing his ass or something rather as he walks past...

These girls at the line just before us gave him a koala and a kangaroo and JUST before David got to us, he turned around and held the toys up and posed for all the cameras. He finally gets to us, and he looked really pale and a little thin, probably from jet lag, or they pile the make-up on him on screen. As he was approaching, I noticed he wasn't smiling all that much, so I started to get really paranoid and kept asking Kim if he was pissed off. Kim said he looked like it or he was probably just really tired, so I felt really bad when I was taking photos in his face as well. Kim was also worried because she had a camera with a LONG lens and afterwards asked me if he looked angry when he was in front of her. I got his autograph (and for some reason, I blanked out and forgot to tell him we were missing out on the X-Files!) and so did Louise and she was so happy that he said "That's okay" when she thanked him. He was mainly signing these yellow evolution masks. Then the girl next to me gave him the poster where he's blowing a kiss and David got a bit of a shock when he saw it, it was so funny! He had the "whoah, where did that come from?" look and (I didn't think he would hear and talk to me amongst all the noise) but I said "it's a hot one of you" and he didn't hear me properly, so he looked at me and said something like "what was that?". Me and my big mouth! But that was the Truth. Louise was muttering something about how he wasn't as tall as she thought, and I think we were talking a bit loud, hopefully he didn't hear! Then again, he was surrounded by tall people as well. So I looked down at his shoes and was just staring at them, and they didn't seem too big either (but looking back on the photos now, he's got BIG feet!). They were a really nice pair of black shoes with a buckle on them. What's really funny is I was looking through my X-Files posters the other day and saw a poster where he has THE black shoes on! So I am now officially in love with David Duchovny's shoes.

I took a photo of his ass (or tried to). We kept saying afterwards that he shouldn't have worn a jacket because it was covering it, and Will goes "What did you expect him to do, drop lift his jacket off and pull his pants down for you?!" Well, he did in the movie!

It was a great experience, even though it was really windy that day (and then it got really hot amongst the crowd). We walked away that day getting WAY more than we expected to. If anyone else gets the opportunity to go see him, do it! The morning after, he was on the Triple M breakfast show with Andrew Denton and Mick Molloy which is the most hilarious interview I have ever heard! You can read the transcript here. He was really nice to the Australian media whilst he was down here, and really polite. I think he was worried about some of the stuff he was saying, he said a lot of "Can you say that in Australia?" and really made the effort to be polite and had good manners whilst at the same time being one of the funniest people!

The day after, we were in the background in Channel 7 news (of ALL the footage they took that night, they had to get us?!) and in the newspaper. However, David is my hero because the in the picture he's holding a piece of paper given to him by another fan, and it's covering my face! Louise wasn't so lucky, but David will be my saviour one way or the other!

Now you've read all the long boring details, I'm sure you'd like to look at the Photos!

[Apologies for the lateness of this post, I had exams last week!]

The X-Files Vault