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Here you will find all the latest updates on my page, and just bits of info I pick up on The X-Files and on the stars. Images put up here are at the Images Archive, and Articles at Articles Archive. Downloads can be found at Downloads Archive.


20/02/01: I could see it coming, sadly, The X-Files Vault will no longer be updated anymore. It's not that I have lost interest in the show, but I have now finished my uni course and have a full time job, so there won't be time for me to update this site as regularly as before. To me, I felt as if the show died a little last season during the episodes without David, and I thought the show should have ended earlier, however I loved the end of last season. Thank you to CC for giving us the best show ever, to DD & GA for working so hard and giving us these two wonderful characters, and I'm sure during the show's last season, CC won't disappoint us with ending the series. Remember, there will be a 2nd X-Files movie, so I promise I will come back and comment on that when it's out here! This site will stay up because I don't want to waste 4 years of hard work and there are some pages which are still of use, regardless of being updated or not! THANK YOU to all those people who have visited, emailed me, and inspired me to work on it. I gained so much from all this, especially to my AFML buddies, you guys are the best and have given me so much! I'll be checking my email and visiting every now and then. The Truth will be out there until the 2nd X-Files movie :) ~Maricris

28/06/01: SEASON 8 FINALE: Existence: Existence was on tonight, and I didn't realize how sad I would be knowing it was David's last episode (ie. last Mulder and Scully ep). So, as far as I know and because of Channel 10's habits of not airing old X-Files eps, that's the last X-Files episode for the year...but I will keep you updated on that.

Evolution Premiere Report and Pictures: I FINALLY developed my pics from it, and have written up my detailed experience of the evening. It's under Evolution Premiere.

16/06/01: Here's the Transcript for David on the Triple M Breakfast Show yesterday morning with Andrew Denton and Mick Molloy. One of the funniest interviews ever! Just a warning, there are a few Evolution spoilers...

15/06/01:I've just come back from seeing David before the Evolution premiere, YAY!!! I went only expecting to get a dodgy photo of him but also got an autograph and i think 9 photos, and talk to him a bit!

13/06/01: David arrives in Australia tomorrow!

David Appearances:

* Triple M Breakfast show with Andrew Denton and Mick Molloy: Thrusday the 14th, 6-9am. It's most likely he'll appear after 7.30am.

* Yahoo Chat: Thursday June 14, 4:15pm AEST. Check Yahoo for more details.

* Rove Live:Tuesday June 19, Channel 10 at 9:30pm.

All these are based on Sydney AEST.

11/06/01: June 2001 issue of Instyle has pictures of Hollywood mums with their children. There are some nice pics of Téa with Madelaine and Gillian and Piper.

David Duchovny Chat: has been confirmed on Yahoo on Thursday June 14, 4:15pm AEST. Check Yahoo for more details.

3 more days until David arrives!

Congratulations to David and Téa

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