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Win/Loss Record

Win/Loss Record


Wrestler Wins Losses Draws
G-Pac 16 9 3
The Addict 13 11 2
Morphious 9 12 2
Chug 8 8 0
Andu 8 9 0
Dru Sole 5 5 0
Z-Pac 5 6 4
Carpie 2 4 0
HHH 1 1 0
Preppie 1 1 0
Mickey 0 1 1
Boyle 0 1 0
Doug C. 0 2 0
Chris K. 0 2 0

Tag Teams

Team Name Wrestlers Wins Losses
The keggas/The Pac The Addict and Chug 3 3
The Pain Killers G-Pac and Z-Pac 3 1
The Family The Addict and G-Pac 2 0
Discourse G-Pac and Andu 0 1
The Real Americans Morphious and HHH 0 1


Name Wins Losses
OWC 1 0