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YFC GRUDGE brings you all your favorite Metallica + Pantera songs based on YFC superstars...

1) Chug: "Walk"
2) G-Pac: "Cowboys from Hell"
3) Addict: "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
4) Morphious: "F*cking Hostile"
5) MVP: "The Shortest Straw"
6) Carpie: "Of Wolf and Man"
7) Z-Pac: "Hero of the Day"
8) Dru Sole: "Wherever I may Roam"
9) Andu: "Leper Messiah"
10) HHH: "5-Minutes Alone"
11) The Commitee: "This Love"
12) Pain-Killers: "Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth"
13) Keggas: "Whiskey In the Jar"
14) OWC: "Becoming"
15) J-Lo: "Enter Sandman"
16) Yardcore 2000: "Cemetary Gates"