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Aww...they look so happy! =)

1. Intro ~ Expression ~

I like the intro...I just love the spooky feel it gives me! This was played at the start of their
concert when the shadows of the four of them appeared..real nice...

2. Feelin' Good ~It's PARADISE~

Nice song, like I have said earlier on. The song is arranged so it seems as if it is connected to the intro!

3. Love is the Final Liberty (Full Length)

One of the tracks which I keep repeating..I like this song alot!!*grin*

4. Coffee Scotch Mermaid~ Bang!  Bang!  Boom!    

Ok, I just love this song! It's so cute!! The rap and the tune and everything else goes together so well!!
I like the starting where they go *BANG BANG BOOM!* especially! The dancing during the rapping parts 
is quite nice too! Upbeat, fast and cheery song! Makes me look forward to my day!

5. Town (Interlude) 

6. You don't have to worry, baby Ok, although I like this song, I think most of the time I skip it cuz I keep repeating track 3 and 4! *sheepish grin* 7. Without You This song is sooo sooo sweet! The harmony during the chorus is so nice! Makes me feel sad yet gives me a feeling of sweetness when I listen to it. It's a slow song, but really nice! Recommended if you have not listen to Da Pump's slow songs yet! 8. Sunahama (Interlude)

9. Infinity ~moon ride~ This is like a faster version of Infinity ~sunset beach~ Quite nice, but most of the time I skip this song cuz I can't wait to get to the next two tracks! 10. : ごきげんだぜっ!~Nothing But Something~ Ok, I usually skipped this song to get to Rhapsody in Blue until I saw the concert VCD!! OH GOSH! THE DANCE IS SUPERB!! Fast, upbeat, sharp moves! Like I said earlier in my review, this is one song which you have to watch together with the dance and that's it: You're hooked onto it! =) Very very recommended! 11. Rhapsody in Blue A track which I replay ever so often! Happy tune that makes me feel cheerful whenever I'm down! The dance is great too! Saw them perfomed this at the Red-White Competition...and that was when I got crazy bout them! ;) Also very recommended! 12. Crazy Rain This song is quite rare, as it does not have any rap at all! Although the song is slow, the dance is quite cool too, as the movements are sharp and smooth! 13. Young age (Interlude)

14. 17 guyz A song which my sister and I like!! Nice dance movements combined with a song which starts off slow and lazy and then opens up! Love it! Also a track I replay very often! 15. Crash! my Love * Thanx! my Friends This song is soo sweet...and slow...Among all the slow songs, I like the rapping here best! Especially Ken's and Shinobu's part! Replayed it so many times that I know the rap by heart though I don't speak Japanese! 16. Defy (Interlude)

17. We'll get The Wonderful One Fast song, but not one of my favourites although it is rather nice. I guess that's because I either keep replaying the tracks before it, or I skip to the next track, that I don't really listen to it. The dance is quite good too! 18. 4 (Interlude)

19. Stay Together *sniffle* Sad, touching song which they sang at the concert....I think it was very appropriate to place this song last... although it makes me sad as I have come to the end of the album...never mind..*grin*...back to track 1 ! =) 20. Outro ~ Dawn ~

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