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Dragonball Z
Saber Marionette J
Magic Knight Rayearth
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WWF Superstars
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Ghostfighters Theme (Main Song) - Mid
Mission Impossible Theme - Mid
Mortal Kombat Theme - Mid
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8-13-03 Hellooo again! As usual, it took me a long time (again) to overcome my lazyness. I just fixed some more stuff just to make it look like I'm doing something. By the way, I removed the guestbook thingy from the home page because I think it doesn't work anymore. Fortunately, I signed up for Lycos Mail so I could get some feedback from visitors (if i ever get any). Just FYI, the contact information located in the home page is to be used ONLY for communication regarding this webpage--I do have a separate email address for socializing you know. As for some more pictures, I just want to say that I haven't even started looking yet. So if you're one of those who held their breath, you might want to contact the Guiness World Records to find out who have the record for holding their breath the longest.
5-23-03 Aaaahhhhh...whew! How long have I been gone? Anyway, I just woke up from my hybernation so nothing have pretty much changed while I was gone. I have an alternate home page in case you've missed it in the main page. I removed some of the links to my other galleries coz I'm not really a big fan of them. Also, I fixed some broken links and other stuff. Hopefully I would be able to add some more pictures and music in the near future. But meanwhile, don't hold your breath... :)
12-12-99 Welcome! This is my first web page so it's not designed to be very advanced. In fact, it took me a lot of time doing this. I want to thank all the people who helped me in getting this done. You may have noticed some galleries missing some pictures but these are just my favorites so I didn't bother including the rest of them. Enjoy!!!