Other Inanities:
Hey! Be nice!
Other InSanities:
That's better!
As one of everyone's favourite FBI agents would say, these are things that cannot be programmed, categorised, or easily referenced. In a way, these are MBPotion20's X-Files...
Hey! I like that!
mbpotion20's X-Files:
- Trippin' With The Matchsticks- How have Rob, Adam, Paul, Pookie, and Kyle affected your subconscious? Please email me with your MB20 daydreams, dreams, hallucinations, or WHATEVER, and I will post them here. For now, you can read about mine, (if ya want).
- Matchstick Pokemantras- Matchbox Twenty practice Zen, and the art of Pokemon mantras.
- MB20 Theory #1- My friends in high school used to tease me about my obsession with coming up with theories for everything. I KNOW there'll be more where this one came from, hence the name. This is my theory of Rob Thomas' true identity.
- MB20 Theory #2- Told you there would be more! And I believe that, this time, I've found Paul's long lost brother...
- 20 X 20 MB20 Crossword- Test your matchbox twenty knowledge with this puzzle, (which is really twenty squares by twenty squares)
- Shouldn't Be So Complicated- Find matchbox twenty related terms in this non-twenty-by-twenty word scramble
- The Case of the Phantom Pick- A guitar pick has entered my life, and I have no idea what to do with it. Yes, this is matchbox twenty related... to some degree. Oh, just read it!   ***NEW!***
- Nostalgia- The old intro for this website, if anybody was missing it. Or not. It's still there.