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The X-Files

"Obsess much?"

I sure do! One way that I make this evident is with my X-Files habit. Every Sunday night at nine o'clock, it's X-Files time. No exceptions!!! I like to watch episodes in the dark, just like the BNL song "One Week":
Watching X-Files with no lights on, we're dan lemaison, I hope the Smoking Man's in this one
Please excuse my spelling of the French phrase above, (which means "in the house" BTW); I'm taking German.

I already have an X-Files page, The X-Filer, as well as a page dedicated to THE star of the show, Gillian Anderson, if you're interesting in knowing more about her. Hopefully all you fans of David Duchovny will go there too. It's been declared a Mulder friendly site; no bashing of THE other star of XF!

I created an X-Files picture with several types of media.

I've also created an X-Files game, "Out Of Nowhere: An Interactive Story". I wrote it in C, and it's completely text-based.

STILL don't think I'm obsessed? Then read about the day when I became Scully!

Return to my media madness.

Or you can go home to DREAM.