1. Every morning you get to choose to rise and shine like the sun, or gripe and whine that your life is no fun. The Present is a gift from our Heavenly Father, God. Each day we are given this precious Gift, we are to try to be a better person than we have ever been before. Our Father God is Holy, therefore, we should strive to be Holy, too, because when we ask God's Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ to forgive us of all our sins, His Precious Blood He shed when He was crucified on the Cross on Mount Calvary for all humankind is applied to our sins that are forgiven us and washed away as far as the east is from the west to be remembered no more. That horrible flogging our Savior, Jesus Christ took the day before he was crucified beat him so badly that he was unrecognizable but it was for our healings when we ask for them. When we are cleansed and sanctified by His Blood, which was the Ultimate Sacrifice, we are born-again into the Family of God. We need to be full of pure Positive Energy that comes to us 24/7 from our Heavenly Father, God. There is nothing impossible for God. Even when there seems to be no way, He will still make a way somehow. The center verse in The Holy Bible is Psalm 118:8, "Put your trust in God, not in mankind." God will never leave you, nor forsake you. The Holy Trinity is our role models. If you are in doubt as to whether or not what you are thinking, saying, or doing is a sin, ask yourself this question, "What would Jesus Christ do if He were in this same situation?" If you don't believe He would do it, then don't do it yourself.

2. People love to do business with those who love what they are doing. If you are not happy with your job, create one that you can be happy doing. Find a need within your community, then fill that need by creating a job that you are good at doing and that you enjoy doing.

3. Attitude is contagious. Is yours worth catching? Try a little kindness. It costs nothing but a little effort, but to the people to whom you extend it, it can be priceless. Smile at people and say hello to them. Choose to be a happy person.

4. Excuses are like noses. One is always as near as your face, and they all smell.

5. You tend to get what you internally expect life to give you. So practice positive expectations within your own mindset. If you don't like and love yourself, that is where you need to start to change your own self-image. Your internal self-talk can ruin your life when it is negative.

6. If you want to be positive, you must think and speak positive and visualize the positive outcome you desire as already happening right now. When you do this, blessings begin to be poured out to you from God. Blessing others, instead of cursing people, will bring into your own life the very things you desire.

7. It is your attitude (behavior,) more than your aptitude (learned intelligence) that will determine your altitude (your success in life.) When one door closes, another one will always open up to you, so be prepared to walk through it quickly. If you don't seize every opportunity you are given, it could be passed on to another person.

8. You cannot climb uphill by thinking downhill thoughts. Life is full of valleys and peaks. Learn to go with the flow of life, while always thinking and speaking positive. Life may not be fair, but it can be whatever you want to believe it is. Be a work-in-progress every day for a lifetime. Keep a gratitude journal so you can read it often to remember the good things you experience daily.

9. Don't make your favorite exercise be jumping to conclusions. Research has proven that 97% of what we think to be true, is not true. Get all the facts first, then make a conclusion. If you don't get all the facts first, you are assuming you know them. When you assume something, you are making an ASS out of U and ME.

10. The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade with it. Learn to turn the bitter into sweet.

The only true disability in life is a bad attitude. Life will either make you a better person or a bitter person. The choice is up to you as to which one it will be. Only you are responsible for your own life decisions, so if you blame others for them you are only making your own life worse. Negative thinking only begets more of the same. One negative thought can become an internal raging river quickly. Laugh as much as you can every day because it is like a medicine for the Body, Spirit, and Soul. Get as much Deep REM (rapid eye movement) Sleep as your body and mind needs each day/night to heal. Thank God every day for all the blessings He has already given you and for all the blessings He will still give to you 24/7. By doing this, you then open all your chakras to receiving even more blessings from God. Balance and cleanse your chakras daily, so your aura doesn't get infected with contagious negativity from others. You can do this with exercises I have on my main self-help index, by doing your own research online, or by taking a nice warm bath or shower. Even if your life is really negative right now, you alone have the power to change it into exactly what you desire by affirming that only good, good, good now comes into your life, and only good remains in your life now and forevermore, and that you choose to be a happy, positive person 24/7 full of peace and joy.


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