
Mike Brescia

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undefined FAILURE PATTERN #1
Poor Self-esteem and Self-image

Many people believe deep down that they're just not good enough, or they just can't imagine themselves being different than they are now.

This is a very common failure pattern, and is present is many more people than you may think. Even wildly successful people from all walks of life report feelings that they're just not that good or don't quite measure up.

If you don't believe deep down that you deserve to have a specific goal or characteristic, or can't see yourself having it or being that person, you won't really go for it and do the things it would take to get it.

The truth is, you ARE good enough, you CAN be that new person.

Replaying past failures repeatedly in your mind

Do you ever find, after making a mistake, that you keep replaying it and all your frustration about it over and over in your mind?

Beating yourself up over mistakes and not appreciating the good you've done is a perfect way to destroy motivation and discourage yourself from any further efforts.

Blaming your problem or failure on circumstances or on other people

Grudges, jealousy, resentments, and anger brew bitterness and take your mind off of the most important things, accomplishing worthy goals or making positive changes.

Blaming serves only one purpose, making you feel like a victim. And victims don't have power over their lives.

Lack of self-confidence

This can range from a small, lingering doubt to total disbelief in your ability to reach your goal, whether it be a physical, mental, social, professional, or financial goal.

Whether it's driven by a fear of humiliation, by past failures, by lack of knowledge or fear of rejection, having little or no faith when trying to reach a goal can cause procrastination, and half-hearted efforts, if you ever do start working toward your goal.

Positive neuro-associations to unsupportive behaviors, people, or things

In order to achieve a challenging goal or make any big change, it's almost certain that you'll need to break some old, familiar, comfortable routines and rewire some of your unsupportive neuro-associations. These may be unconscious habits or behaviors you've had for decades.

Examples include a love for cigarettes or desserts, being a couch potato or spending an inordinate amount of time making personal phone calls on company time.

Regardless of the goal, the ability to let go of old, unsupportive routines and habits is crucial, because they can be gigantic roadblocks to your success.

Negative feelings/associations about any goal supporting habits/behaviors

Achieving worthy goals frequently involves adopting new routines that you may not currently find fun or desirable. But they are essential for your success.

These may include sticking to a regular exercise routine, eating vegetables instead of junk, or managing your time more effectively during your workday, with less personal phone calls.

Unless you clear away some or most of the negative associations to your goal supporting behaviors, you will be doomed to fail.

Fear or anxiety about achieving or not achieving your desired change or goal

Although you may truly long to change something about yourself, there's also the unknown element: What will life be like afterward? Or, what will life be like if I fail?

This can generate tremendous fear and anxiety, and cause you to either dismiss your goal, put forth only a half-hearted effort, or thwart your own progress just as you're getting close to achieving what you thought you wanted.

Mentally blowing up the size of your tasks and responsibilities

Regardless of their true size, when tasks feel big and difficult, it's often hard to get motivated to even begin.

Unless you can truly develop the mental habit of experiencing the steps toward your goal as small, manageable chunks, you'll cause yourself a lot of undue stress, you'll be less effective, and you may even give up on your aim altogether.

Blowing temporary setbacks up to seem huge and permanent

No matter what you're undertaking, whether it's a physical, financial, professional, mental, or social goal, there are bound to be short-term setbacks along the way.

When temporary setbacks look or feel large, unsolvable and permanent, you get trapped into a state that doesn't allow you to get answers, or have access to all your mental and physical resources.

Unless you can totally accept that setbacks will occur and keep them in perspective when they do, you are open to worry, anxiety, and depression and are likely to quit.

Constant mental pictures of future failure or tragedy

It's always wise to plan for the unexpected. When you focus a bulk of your mental activity on what could go wrong, if you see nothing but rotten images and failure, it is impossible to be optimistic and hopeful.

Disaster thinking, or focusing only on what can go wrong causes you a lot of needless anxiety. Then you're many times more likely to take the easy way out and quit working on your goal.

Developing real physical symptoms and illnesses

The 10 mental patterns listed above can cause incredible anxiety, hopelessness, helplessness, and ultimately prevent you from getting what you want. Physical symptoms can arise from the stress, including stomach problems, rapid pulse, headaches, high blood pressure, fatigue, sleeplessness, and even some cancers.

The subconscious mind can also conjure up psychosomatic symptoms in order to help us avoid facing things we don't wish to face or to give us an excuse to quit.

11 Success Patterns

Change Your Mindset And Change Your Life

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