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Self Confidence Affirmations


I embrace the challenges and risks of everyday life, each one making me stronger and wiser.

I feel truly that in every difficulty there is a solution.

I accept all criticism as constructive for what I can learn from it, using it as motivation to pull out the best I have to give.

I am willing to make mistakes and endure short-term setbacks in order to win in life.

All thoughts of failure have been dissolved.

Not everyone is going to like me, and I am okay with that.

It is unnecessary to please everyone.

People feel at ease with me, and like me.

I am free of all malice toward those who didn't believe in me.

I deal with problems immediately while they are small.

All doubt in myself has dissolved, and is replaced with supreme confidence and high self-esteem.

I think highly of myself always.

I can see beyond all problems to the wonderful success that awaits me.

I let setbacks just roll off my back.

I refuse to be held back by fear.

Even when I am not at my best, I am confident I will reach my goals.

I love deadlines because they show of what I am capable.

All indecision is gone.

I can think clearly even under extreme pressure.

I see mistakes as the best teachers I could have.

I learn lessons from all my past mistakes.

I see no problems, only opportunities to learn, grow, and succeed.

I admit my mistakes and work hard to avoid them in the future.

All shyness is completely gone.

I meet new people with ease.

I have high self-esteem.

I love myself, and I like myself.

I am forgiven for being self-critical in the past.

I conquer stress by staying focused on my purpose.

My self confidence can squash all doubt and negativity from others.

All fear of the future has been replaced with excitement and enthusiasm for it.

All anxiety surrounding my responsibilities has dissolved.

Overwhelm is a thing of the past.

I see all of life's difficulties as learning experiences.

I trust myself more and more everyday.

My intuition gets stronger the more I trust it.

I make difficult decisions with ease now.

I look at big goals as just sequences of small, easy-to-achieve steps.

I can adapt to any surroundings in which I find myself.

My growing confidence is pulling me toward my dreams.

The voice inside my head is always positive and encouraging.

I have a good sense of humor about myself.

Laughter is a merry medicine.

I am filled with optimism and hope.

I can learn anything quickly and easily.

I am open to all opportunities available to me.

I can successfully handle any challenge that comes my way.

I recognize and appreciate all my accomplishments.

I look people in the eyes when I talk to them.

I expect to succeed at everything I do.

I am willing to take intelligent risks in order to succeed.

I enjoy the challenge of learning new things.

I appreciate successful people for what they can teach me.

I can always talk myself into staying calm no matter what.

My eyes are open to my enormous capabilities.

I am a sharp, bright, intelligent person.

My confidence grows with each accomplishment no matter how small or large.

I take the time needed to do things correctly.

I have the character and strength of will to say no when I should.

I place more importance on what I can do than what I cannot.

I can think fast on my feet.

Instead of waiting for the right circumstances, I always create them.

I am in complete control of my thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

I able to see many ways of solving problems.

I love the competitive nature of every day life today.

I always give my best effort regardless of my role.

I can be assertive and still be considerate of the feelings of others.

My value is 1% what I can see and 99% what I cannot.

My age, no matter what it is, is always an advantage to me.

I only see remarkable success and happiness in my future.

I am at ease speaking to any size group of people.

There is no condemnation in me, for me, or round about me. All is well within my world.

I am at my best under pressure.

I stand my ground when I believe in something.

Every success I achieve fuels in me the belief that I can now do even more.

I constantly improve at everything I do.

I am a genuinely likeable person.

I have the confidence to go after my dreams full speed.

I was born to win.

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