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I now release all stress, anxiety, anger, disappointments, hurts, resentments, fears, and worries.

All feelings of unworthiness are gone forever.

I forgive myself for not fully recognizing my achievements.

All blocks to peaceful, restful sleep have disappeared.

I've replaced dwelling on failures with focusing on my successes.

I've happily let go of all unhealthy eating habits.

I enjoy exercising every day.

Exercise makes me feel alive and energetic.

I see change as a normal and natural part of life.

I've replaced all sadness with hope and optimism.

I forgive myself for not appreciating my accomplishments.

I've let go of all resistance to enjoying new and interesting activities.

Every dark cloud has a silver lining, and I always find it.

All pain has gone away in divine grace.

I forgive myself for withdrawing from social interaction.

When I smile I always feel better.

I embrace the opportunities that each day brings to me.

I see with total clarity of vision.

I've dissolved all blocks to a great memory and sharp concentration.

All my needs are being fulfilled now in total grace.

I forgive all those who treated me unfairly.

I always put forth my best effort.

I'm free of all physical effects of anxiety, stress, and worry.

I transcend anger, disappointments, hurts, and resentments.

I see each new day as a gift and I always accept it gratefully.

The days of blaming others for my challenges and setbacks are over.

On the soul level, I release and forgive all those who've left me.

I have complete faith in my inner strength.

Feelings of hopelessness have absolutely no place in my life.

I've replaced self-doubt with confidence in my talents and abilities.

All feelings of the blues have left me now.

My brain naturally produces the chemicals that make me happy and optimistic.

I transcend all resistance to making decisions.

I refuse to blame myself for, or feel deserving of, abuse from others.

I've eliminated all barriers to setting and attaining my goals.

All self-defeating thoughts are now gone from my mind.

All self-sabotaging thoughts are now gone from my mind.

I understand and accept that no one is perfect, including me.

Feelings of overwhelm have been replaced with calm self-assurance.

I'm totally free of depression and all its related symptoms.

My thoughts are positive and encouraging.

I've let go of all unnecessary guilt over things I've done.

I've replaced helplessness with action plans and determination.

Inner peace and joy are growing within me.

I recognize the issues around my self-image and I let them go.

I embrace all changes in my life and in the world.

I now transcend all physical and emotional pain.

I'm completely healed in my body and mind.

I'm filled with creative energy.

I welcome positive self-esteem and high self-confidence.

My energy is increasing every day.

I am totally functional in every way.

I radiate good mental and physical health and well-being.

I feel happy about who I am and who I'm becoming.

I happily eat the foods I need to be physically and mentally healthy.

I have a wonderfully healthy outlook on my life and my future.

I accept complete responsibility for my thoughts and feelings.

I welcome intimacy and closeness with people I care about.

I get exactly the amount of rest and relaxation that my body needs.

I fall asleep quickly and easily when I go to bed.

My body, mind, and nervous system renews and re-energizes itself every day.

My relationship with myself is growing happier and more rewarding everyday.

I love myself.

I like myself.

I accept myself.

I embrace myself.

I surround myself with emotionally supportive people.

I'm in complete control of my thoughts and emotions.

Self-assurance and I are one.

I believe that I am a strong person in every way.

I have all the time I need to complete my daily activities.

I find creative hobbies that I enjoy doing.

I effectively assert my ideas and opinions.

I'm worthy and deserving of happiness in my life.

It is within my power to think positive, productive thoughts.

I intuitively follow the path to fulfill my life's mission.

I'm living a happy and productive life.

I am calm and poised and centered in the mind of Jesus Christ and nothing can disturb the calm peace in my soul.

Hurtful words or actions now bounce off me like water on a duck's back.

I'm able to easily diffuse stressful situations.

I happily participate in fun and rewarding activities.

I'm quick to notice and embrace all that's good around me.

My energy and overall health are improving every day.

I enter each situation in my life with optimism and hope.

I notice and appreciate when I do things right.

I appreciate and acknowledge compliments from others.

I enjoy a healthy balance in my life.

I am not a doormat, patsy, or scapegoat. I will no longer allow anyone to treat me as such.

I'm good at keeping mistakes in the proper perspective.

I expect to succeed and learn from all my endeavors.

People like me and enjoy spending time with me.

People want to be my friends.

I strike a good balance between my own needs and the needs of others.

I recognize the opportunities in each of my daily challenges.

I allow others to be responsible for themselves.

I celebrate today by noticing and appreciating all of the good in my life.

Only good, good, good comes into my life.

Everything I do, I do with a smile and joy in my soul.

All anger is dissolved now in total peace.

I've let go of all blocks to developing my sense of humor.

I forgive myself for ever ignoring my body's needs.

I've eliminated all obstacles to eating healthy and exercising.

I maintain closeness with those that I love.

I've replaced despair with hope and optimism.

The old habit of mentally replaying unhappy experiences is gone forever.

I know that I can control all my thoughts and emotions.

All physical pain and discomfort are now dissolved in total grace.

I have feminine grace.

I forgive myself for ever doubting my inner strength.

I've easily replaced wasting time with productive activities.

I now see and understand the lessons that life has been trying to teach me.

I use unpleasant experiences for the lessons they can teach me.

Feelings of overwhelm and frustration are foreign to me now.

My nervous system is now perfectly balanced.

My emotions and feelings are perfectly balanced.

My thoughts no longer race within my mind. I am calm and peaceful in all ways.

I can turn my thoughts off and go to sleep peacefully.

Any feelings of unworthiness are now only in the past.

I am worthy of happiness and love.

I am worthy of prosperity and wealth.

All blocks to sharp concentration have disappeared.

I thoroughly enjoy taking part in social activities and making new friends.

I use all unpleasant experiences as motivation to grow stronger.

All grief has left me now, and I move on with my life.

All unnecessary and inappropriate guilt has left me now.

I truly like myself now.

I truly love myself now.

As I breathe deeply, all tension and stress disappears.

I'm in control of my life and the direction it takes.

I've let go of all unrealistic expectations of others.

I've dissolved all barriers to pleasure and intimacy.

I deserve to love and be loved.

I've let go of all feelings of despair in total peace.

I am not afraid of being abandoned anymore.

I am no longer attracted to controlling and manipulative people.

I choose only the right people for me now.

People do not scare me anymore.

I do my best every day and that's enough.

I release and forgive myself for not being assertive.

I am no longer a passive person. I am assertive in all ways now.

All struggles to meet everyday demands have dissolved now.

Stress cannot overwhelm me anymore.

Depressive thoughts are erased from my consciousness.

I can find joy in just about anything I do.

I no longer feel like I live in an emotional hell each day.

I replace the habit of giving up with undying persistence.

I've let go of all harmful anger, depression, disappointments, and resentments.

Any doubt about my abilities is ancient history.

I'm filling my world with happiness and love.

I forgive myself for ever feeling embarrassed about my differences.

I recognize my issues around pessimism and I embrace them.

I forgive myself for not nurturing and expanding my life's purpose.

I alone am responsible for both my failures and successes.

I have high self-esteem and self-confidence.

I've replaced low expectations with faith and deep self-belief.

I've stopped blaming others for how I feel.

All mental images of failure have disappeared.

I can overcome any pain or loss that I experience.

I release and forgive all those who are unkind to me.

I enjoy being around people and making new friends.

Feelings of emptiness have been replaced with joy and fulfillment.

It is within my power to make positive changes in my life.

My ability to experience joy and fulfillment increases each day.

I forgive all those who've left me.

I'm bigger than anything that happens to me.

I love life and all of its wonders and possibilities.

Life comes one day at a time, and I make each one a masterpiece.

I'm happy and optimistic about my future.

I'm a likeable person and people see that right away.

I rebound quickly from all setbacks.

Being happy is easy and natural for me.

I enjoy a stable and healthy appetite.

My enthusiasm for living increases each day.

I like myself more now than at any other time in my life.

Joy. Joy. Joy. My life is filled with joy.

I'm able to positively control my moods.

My sleep hours are peaceful, renewing, and rejuvenating.

I accept all that happens to me with grace and dignity.

I'm not perfect and that's OK.

I greet each day with love, optimism, and high expectations.

I'm smiling more and more now.

I begin each day with genuine optimism that I will achieve my important goals.

I enjoy learning how my diet affects my health.

I quickly and easily see the good in everyone I meet.

I feel happy and secure with my place in the world.

My mind is calm and able to completely focus on a single task.

Creative ideas and solutions come to me easily now.

I have a great memory and sharp concentration.

I stay hopeful and optimistic, even when things don't go my way.

I have the habit of getting up after each and every setback.

Perfect health and I are one.

I welcome and embrace my independence and personal power.

All my decisions are guided by purposeful and careful thought.

When I start things I finish them.

I move through tasks quickly and efficiently.

I eat foods that keep me healthy in body and mind.

Abundant joy now fills my life.

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