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I now reject all excuses for not working out.

I've dissolved all fears around exercising.

All excuses and reasons not to exercise have vanished forever.

I forgive all those who discouraged me from exercising.

On the soul level, I release all resistance to physical activity.

I'm now free of all boredom during exercise.

When I exercise, I am full of energy.

I decline chances to sit still when I could be physically active.

I choose persistent action and perseverance over giving up every time.

I forgive all those who didn't think I could achieve my fitness goals.

I now let go of all real and imagined causes of immobility.

I've replaced awkwardness with quick and graceful agility.

I rise above physical and mental exhaustion.

Having a strong healthy body is important to me.

I know that the only way to have a firm, trim body is to exercise.

I recognize excuses for not exercising and replace them with determination to be fit.

I have all the time I need to exercise.

Exercising is one of my top priorities, and I always fit it into my schedule.

I'm free of all desire to skip workouts.

I've replaced weariness with physical and mental vitality.

I recognize and reject all false physical limitations.

I take appropriate care to exercise safely.

I replace frustration over missed workouts with determination to get back on schedule.

I've dissolved all false beliefs around no pain, no gain.

I've replaced the need for instant results with patience and persistence.

Exercising gives me the power to sculpt.

and tone my body as I desire.

I forgive myself for making excuses to not exercise.

I accept that regular exercise must be a lifelong commitment.

I always make time to exercise.

The harder I work out, the better I feel.

I'm free to let go of those old, unsupportive attitudes about working out.

I've replaced fear of exercise with the joy of a healthy, strong body.

Exercise and physical pain are separate for me now.

I'm a great coach and trainer to myself during my workouts.

I've rejected the self-image of a person who does not exercise regularly.

I've replaced all self-doubt with confidence in my ability to reach my physical goals.

On the soul level, I forgive myself for not enjoying exercising.

I exercise in the most appropriate ways for me.

I have a strong desire to continually improve my physical body.

I know I can reach any fitness goal that I choose.

I see exercise as a vital link in my lifelong commitment to good health.

I set challenging yet achievable fitness goals.

Exercising and I are one.

I'm proud of my commitment to put my best effort into each workout.

I'm willing to work for and wait for my ultimate physical rewards.

I am able to keep my commitment to exercising regularly.

Regular exercise allows me to have the healthy, happy lifestyle I want.

I like myself more now than ever before in my life.

My body now easily and quickly adjusts to its perfect weight for me with no problems.

I trust in myself and my ability to reach my fitness and exercise goals.

It is easier to develop a healthy exercise routine than I thought possible.

Exercise is adding healthy, happy years to my life.

I have all the time I need every day to achieve my exercise goals.

I love exercising, and I am able to stay completely focused during each workout.

I am able to sustain my enthusiasm for keeping fit and trim.

I understand my body's rhythms and use them to my benefit.

I've made a firm commitment to staying in shape for the rest of my life.

I make time to exercise whenever I can and wherever I am.

I'm proud of my steadfast determination to persist with my exercise commitment.

I have everything I need to exercise and attain vigorous good health.

I take complete responsibility for my own physical health.

My body is full of happy, energetic healthy cells.

I am at peace with physical activity.

I see the body I want and it's mine.

I enjoy using my walking videos daily.

Exercise videos are great.

I enjoy breaking up periods of inactivity with a brisk walk.

I forgive myself for not having exercise goals for so long.

I replace physical idleness with drive and enthusiasm for working out.

I've now dissolved all feelings of being physically inadequate.

I'm free of all physical and mental limitations.

I've replaced procrastination with deep determination to stay in top physical shape.

I recognize false messages of fatigue and easily move past them.

I substitute resistance to exercising with excitement and enthusiasm for it.

I transcend weakness and fatigue.

I reject any sluggishness and choose physical vitality instead.

I know the difference between ordinary movement and vigorous exercise.

I completely reject a sedentary lifestyle.

Regular exercise plays an important role in my overall health plan.

I release being lethargic, idle, or lazy.

Satisfaction and physical idleness are separate for me now.

I forgive myself for not making exercise a priority in my life.

I eat only nourishing and healthy foods. Junk foods hold no appeal to me now.

I replace what others want for me with my own desire to be fit and healthy.

I feel exhilarated and alive as I workout.

All unconscious resistance to exercising regularly is gone forever.

I substitute impatience with persistent action toward results.

I happily exercise in the ways that are just right for me.

Any physical or emotional weakness is a thing of the past.

I can forgive myself for missing a workout.

I've let go of any and all feelings of physical and social inferiority.

Excellent health and I are one.

I've dissolved the need for instant physical results from exercise.

I've replaced all physical inadequacy with tremendous strength and power.

I know the difference between exercise equipment and money-wasting gadgets.

My energy level is growing daily now.

I substitute resistance to exercising with love for it.

I forgive those who made fun of my physical body.

I love what regular workouts do for my body.

I easily visualize my new trim body.

I always work out with my physical goals in mind.

I'm free to release my old negative habits and exercise with enthusiasm.

Struggle and exercise are separate for me now.

All negative experiences surrounding exercise are behind me now.

I enjoy getting regular compliments on my body.

I look good in everything I wear now.

I'd rather be exercising and increasing my stamina than doing nearly anything else.

I deserve to have excellent health and a great body.

I have many powerful reasons to exercise and I focus on them.

I plan each exercise routine in order to get the highest benefit in the shortest time.

I am happily committed to living a healthy, active lifestyle.

My motivation to exercise is growing stronger every day.

I see today as another vital opportunity to improve my physical health.

I put achievement dates on my physical goals, and I'm reaching them on time.

I am clear on the benefits of exercising and being physically active.

I have powerful determination to work out with vigor and enthusiasm.

I'm in complete control of my physical body and my emotions.

I take great pleasure in challenging my body through exercise.

I lead an active and energetic lifestyle.

I radiate good health and well-being.

Setting and reaching challenging physical goals comes easily to me now.

I'm proud of my commitment to regular exercise.

The more I exercise, the more self-confident I feel.

My self-image gets better every day.

I look to top athletes and trainers as role models for my exercise lifestyle.

I have the power to develop a healthy and attractive body.

My workouts are helping my body look better and better every day.

I'm worth the effort I put in to stay in top physical shape.

I reach my fitness goals by starting and finishing challenging routines.

My body cleanses itself of impurities as I perspire.

I enjoy learning how to exercise safely and effectively.

Today I'm choosing to exercise and increase my physical fitness.

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