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All anger has been replaced with calm, rational thinking.

I am able to look beyond status and possessions to see what really matters in a person.

A long life is too short to hold grudges for any reason.

I can easily forgive myself and other people for their mistakes.

When I am wrong, I am able to admit it.

I absolutely refuse to ever be upset over trivial unimportant things.

I am free of envy toward anyone for any reason.

I avoid conflict whenever possible.

I have replaced aloofness with sincere, open communication.

I always give praise before giving constructive feedback.

I learn something valuable from all criticism, no matter how poorly it's delivered.

I believe people can agree to disagree without arguing.

I use workable compromise as a coping skill to find a solution that everyone can accept.

Any desire to boast about my accomplishments has dissolved.

I am more concerned with doing what is right than with being right.

All anger, bitterness, resentments, hurts, regrets, and disappointments have been released from my heart and my mind now and forevermore.

I keep private the things that anyone tells me in confidence.

I resolve conflicts calmly and rationally.

When I give feedback it is constructive and encouraging.

I choose forgiveness over vengeance every time.

I believe that there's never an excuse good enough to lose your temper with someone.

When I make a mistake I can admit it.

I do everything I can to avoid arguing with others.

I think of the other person's point of view before I ever offer feedback.

I believe that complaining about problems only makes them worse.

I accept people as they are, without judgment.

All need or desire to criticize others or myself has disappeared completely.

Even in the midst of drama or chaos, I stay calm and rational.

Sarcasm has absolutely no place in my relationships with others.

When I make a mistake, I am quick to offer a sincere apology.

If I must find a workable compromise to reach an agreement, I will.

When I try to understand instead of judge, my opinions are valued more.

Getting praise is far less important to me than getting the results I desire.


I believe the best way to lead is by example.

People like me because I treat them how they want to be treated.

I know the value of a sincere compliment.

I know when to speak and when to be quiet.

I win the love, respect, and admiration of those around me.

Everyone loves me, and I love everyone.

I have feminine grace.

When someone does something right, I recognize them for it.

I know that I influence people more easily if they like me.

I make people feel good about themselves when they are with me.

When I ask for something I always do it politely.

I ask people politely to do things. I never make demands of anyone.

I always recognize and appreciate the contributions of others.

People respect me always.

I respect other people's points of view.

I truly appreciate everything that anyone does for me.

I enjoy hearing about the hopes and dreams of other people.

I support my friends in the achievement of their goals.

I know that when I encourage others to talk about themselves, they'll like me.

I am aware of the effects my words and actions have on other people.

I am sensitive to the needs and wants of others.

I work well as part of a team.

I quickly find something to appreciate in everyone I meet.

I always live up to my agreements.

I truly care about other people.

I believe that it's critically important to give praise when praise is due.

I welcome every opportunity to meet new and interesting people.

I believe that there is something to appreciate in everyone.

I have a wonderful sense of humor.

I know when to talk and when to listen.

I am open and friendly to all people.

I can direct conversations with anyone by simply asking questions.

I learn something valuable from everyone I meet.

I enjoy doing nice things for other people.

I recognize and appreciate the skills and talents of others.

I can persuasively convey my ideas to others.

I am a master at saying the right thing at exactly the right time.

I respect and am inspired by the achievements of other people.

I am always thoughtful and considerate of the needs and wants of others.

I like being known as a person that can always be counted on.

I am assertive yet diplomatic in my interaction with others.

I wait until other people are done speaking before I begin speaking.

I enjoy listening to other people, really hearing what they are saying.

I easily understand all people.

I truly love other people and enjoy being around them.

When someone is talking to me, I believe they deserve my undivided attention.

I am friends with many different types of people.

I send out a powerful magnetic radar that attracts true friends into my life.

I am the master of reaching win-win agreements.

I know the power that words have, so I am always careful with my choice of words.

I can be both honest and diplomatic at the same time.

I respect and appreciate the differences in other people.

It is important to me to be a likable person.

I understand the value of praise and how good it makes other people feel.

I am comfortable speaking to any size group of people.

No matter what mood I am in, I always treat others with kindness, dignity, and respect.

I am always aware of the effect my words and actions have on other people.

I feel terrific when I do nice things for other people.

When I praise someone for a job well done, I really mean it.

I feel genuinely good about the achievements of other people.

I am always open to new and valuable ideas from others.

I always try to see things from the other person's point of view.

The lives of other people are absolutely fascinating to me.

When I greet someone, the first thing I do is smile.

I am always quick to praise the contributions of others.

I can be direct and clear in my communications and still be polite.

I always consider how my words and actions affect other people.

I always pay attention to and remember people's names.

I speak well of everyone I know.

I can get along with people and still be true to myself.

I am the kind of person that anyone would want to have as a loyal friend.

Anyone is very lucky to have me in their life.

I am worthy of the best life has to offer always.

I deserve love and happiness.

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