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I now release all ingratitude, and embrace gratitude fully within my body, mind, heart, and soul.

I now align myself with Universal Gratitude bringing good fortune into my life on all levels.

My body, mind, heart, and soul are filled with gratitude. 

I am grateful for everyone and everything that is part of my life.

I am grateful for being alive with passion, and having dissolved merely surviving each day. 

I am grateful for all the wonderful experiences in my life. 

I am grateful for all the things that are beneficial to me.

I now appreciate everyone and everything that I formerly took for granted. 

I am grateful for all the challenging experiences in my life that helped me to learn something, to gain new understanding, develop new skills, and to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and gratitude. 

I am grateful for all the lessons I have learned. 

I now release and dissolve all experiences from my past to create space in my life for happiness, prosperity, and abundance. 

I am deeply grateful for all people, things, and circumstances I desire to experience in my life as if they are already part of my life, knowing that gratitude is a powerful magnet now drawing to me every blessing I can possibly visualize. 

Money comes to me now from the east, west, north, and south without any effort on my part.

Universal Abundance always sends me opulent, affluent gifts.

My life is filled with daily miracles. 

I am deeply grateful for my life.

I manifest all my desires through visualizations and being grateful.
My thoughts today create my future.

I cannot change my past, therefore I release it to be remembered no more to cause me pain.

I live in the Present which is a Gift of God.  I enjoy each day to its fullest.  I take each day, one day at a time.
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