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Happiness is my natural state of mind.

I enjoy being cheerful and happy every day.

My life is filled with pure joy and happiness every day.

I'm a clear-headed, positive thinker.

I find solutions to problems quickly and easily.

Doing my best always gives me peace of mind.

It is easy for me to let go of negative emotions and happily move forward.

I can quickly find something to like about everyone I meet.

I see all my daily challenges as well within my capabilities.

Feeling happy and content come naturally to me.

I work through every struggle with the faith that everything will work out for me for my highest good.

As time goes on, I get greater and greater enjoyment out of life.

I take every challenge I face in stride.

I always keep my cool in all situations.

I am always calm and happy.

I always have time for a good laugh.

I have released all negative emotional bondage that anyone or anything ever had on me.

I accept and am grateful for all the blessings I have been given from God.

I'm great at finding the silver lining in every dark cloud.

I allow other people to be responsible for themselves.

I always have enough time to acknowledge and appreciate all that is good in my life.

I learn important life lessons from every mistake I make.

I base my value on what is in my heart, not what is in my wallet.

In spite of my faults, I am happy to be me.

Happiness and I are one.

People are eager to become my true friend.

No matter how much chaos there may be around me, my thoughts are peaceful and calm.

I always have time to enjoy the here and now.

Life isn't perfect, and that's perfectly alright with me.

I accept others even if they are different from me.

I am a fun-loving person.

Making my own mistakes has taught me how important it is to forgive others for theirs.

I am always satisfied with doing my best.

Out of every misfortune I see tremendous opportunity.

I am calm and at ease no matter where I am and no matter what I am doing.

My mind is free of all critical judgement.

I appreciate even the smallest kindnesses that other people do.

Through all of life's difficulty, I smile and do my best.

I am grateful for all my opportunities.

I am open to doing new and different things that give me pleasure.

Through every setback or failure I can stay happy knowing that ultimately I will succeed.

I believe that everything I do, I can do better with a big smile.

I am optimistic about my promising future.

Through my daily struggles, I become better in every way.

Even though I strive to achieve more, I am grateful for every good thing in my life.

I am the master of my emotions.

I control my thoughts and feelings, and carefully choose my spoken words.

When adversity threatens to steal my enthusiasm, I remember that this too shall soon pass.

I am a good, kind person, and I like myself.

I am grateful for every lesson I am given, no matter what form it takes.

I bring happiness and good cheer wherever I go.

While my life has had its share of pain and loss, it is also filled with joy, fun, pleasure, and excitement.

I am never bored or boring.

I believe it is possible to breathe fun into any task or project.

I am a very likable person.

I make true friends easily.

When I laugh, my burdens feel lighter.

I enjoy being funny. There is nothing silly about it.

I can always find something to be glad about.

I thoroughly enjoy the process of working through each and every challenge I face.

I bring out the good in other people.

I believe that success is the peace of mind that comes from doing my best.

I embrace all the challenges of my everyday life.

I can be happy doing just about anything.

The joy in my heart is for sharing, and I share it freely.

I have a great sense of humor about myself. Taking myself too seriously is a thing of the past.

I can't help being happy, it is just the way I am.

I feel more joy every single day than most people do in a year.

I change the things that I can, and embrace the things that I cannot.

I deserve to be happy.

I deserve to be loved and appreciated.

I deserve prosperity.

I deserve to be healthy.

I feel a sense of accomplishment after every job well done.

I am enjoying every day of my life to the fullest.

I enjoy today's pleasures today.

I greet each and every day with love in my heart.

All blocks to infinite joy and true love are now dissolved.

I live each day of my life with the wonder of a child.

Even if things aren't going my way, I'm always optimistic that it will get better soon, and it does.

I find that kindness costs nothing, but it's value is priceless.

I am completely free of all anxiety producing or stressful thoughts.

I find pleasure in both giving and receiving.

I am free of all negativity in my life. I live each day with enthusiasm.

I am always content with doing my best.

I know when I should talk, and I know when I should listen.

Even though I embrace abundance in all areas of my life, I am free of all greed.

I learn from the past, but I live completely in the present.

I am completely free of all anxiety.

My mind is peaceful and calm.

My thoughts are peaceful and calm.

I like people for who they are, not for who I want them to be.

It is okay if people are different than I am.

I wake up excited and eager to greet each new day.

I make a conscious choice every day to be happy.

Even if I don't agree, when I must accept the decisions of others, I do so with grace and dignity.

It is my choice to be happy or sad, and I always choose to be happy.

I am resilient.

I am flexible.

My daily challenges give me wisdom, strength. and confidence.

I make other people feel good about themselves.

I feel good about myself.

I am free of all jealousy in my life.

I am happy for the good fortune of others.

I truly enjoy doing nice things for other people.

All thoughts and images of sadness have faded away.

Everything will work out for me for my highest good, it always does.

The love in my heart warms everyone I meet.

I'm a responsible person, and I get everything done on time.

It is my nature to be happy and cheerful.

I naturally see my challenges as small and easy to overcome.

I only allow positive thoughts and ideas into my mind now.

I can quickly forgive myself for the mistakes I make.

I'm surrounding myself now with happy, enthusiastic, emotionally supportive people.

I am free of all worrisome thoughts.

I only have room in my mind for optimism.

I recognize and take pride in a job well done.

I naturally see problems as small and easy to overcome.

I see opportunities all around me.

I can breathe life into any task no matter how unpleasant it may be.

It's easy for me to notice what is good in almost every situation.

No matter how much or how little I have, I am grateful for all of it. I am always blessed with prosperity, and there is always more than enough.

I find it easy to respond positively to the stresses of everyday life.

My natural mental state is happiness.

I am grateful for my challenges because of whom they have made me.

I spend a lot more time thinking about what I like than what I don't.

I have risen above all past limitations now.

My happiness comes from a peaceful mind and a grateful heart.

My laughter is contagious. People can't help but laugh with me.

My life is a mirror of what is in my heart, and my heart is filled with joy.

I can easily forgive myself and other people for their mistakes.

My work feels like play to me.

When I need help with something, I ask for it.

My responsibilities help to give my life balance and joy.

No matter what I am doing, I try to make it as enjoyable as possible.

I learn valuable lessons from all my daily struggles.

Whenever I reach a pre-determined goal, I feel a tremendous sense of satisfaction.

Peace and harmony fill my mind now.

Everything that I give in my life comes back to me many times over.

I can have fun doing almost anything.

People appreciate me for my good sense of humor.

I am happy in spite of my limitations.

Searching for happiness is fruitless, because things to be happy about are all around me and within me.

Throughout all my daily activities, my mind is calm and at peace.

The best time to laugh is always now.

The love in my heart creates harmony in every area of my life.

Laughter is like medicine for my soul.

When I laugh, every cell in my body is at peace.

I embrace my highest good, and it flows easily to me now.

The purpose of my life is to create balance, harmony, and happiness.

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