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I now release all past emotional issues that limit my beliefs and all emotional baggage from my past experiences so that I can love myself and my life fully, and now resemble the perfect me I am intended to be in every way. All need for dramatics and traumatics are now dissolved forever. All overwhelming and oversensitivity issues are now dissolved forever. All emotional and physical pains are now healed within on the spirit and soul levels. I release all toxic relationships on all spirit and soul levels to be remembered no more. I ask that my auric field of electromagnetical energy be completely balanced, and that all my energy chakras are balanced to work perfectly now and forever. I now move into my highest good so that all things work for me, with me, through me, and all around me, bringing only good, good, good into my mind and life now and forever.
I thank God for giving me this deep emotional freedom, and a well-balanced emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual life.

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